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My relationship with my boyfriend was revealed

My relationship with my boyfriend was revealed to his family, at first there was opposition, at the end of the dream we were accepted as a couple by them and everyone we know and he declared his feelings for me and held me so close and all I could feel was happiness

My dream was weird. I was sitting

My dream was weird. I was sitting on the bathroom floor behind the door, kind of hiding from the view of the man who was in my house. He walked slowly into the bathroom picked up the gun from The bath tub and turned it towards me and shot me in the chest. The whole thing was silent, I did not scream, I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I wasn't trying to scream. I just accepted the shot. He turned and walked out leaving me for dead. But i did not die. I was waiting for what seemed like forever to just die. So when i realized I wasn't dying I reached over and called 911 but I couldn't remember my address. It was a new home i just moved to. (in real life I am currently on my way to the opposite side of Canada to move)

My dad didn't want to drive my

My dad didn't want to drive my grandma, he said that she was expecting him to drive too far and it was unreasonable. My stepmom (we don't like each other) came out of a house and said that my grandma was in there. I went in, hugged my grandma, and offered to drop her off. She made me take her somewhere a bit far, I was worried that my sister was at home with my children and its taking me too long to get home. So I ended up waiting for my grandma for two hours, went inside to see what was taking her so long, she was with a group of young religious people (some white people too) in uniformed order and said that I can leave. On my way out my girlfriend accepted a sandwich and a green banana from a strange black man, he was dressed in a Doctor's scrub, drove a red BMW with very loud music, he had dreadlocks and gold or platinum teeth and he laughed so loud in an obnoxious way as he took off. I said to my friend that he reminded me of my ex because he laughed that way too. we got into the car and there was (what appeared to be) my 3 year old sleeping in my arms. I said to my friend that I am sure that I left my baby at home so this is not my baby. As soon as I said this the car began to twist and compress, my friend got squashed first and I woke up trying to free myself.

I was eating in a restaurant, then

I was eating in a restaurant, then someone came with her food to eat beside me. I looked at the persons food and ask where the person bought the food that I would prefered that, which is my favourite, but I accepted the food I was eating due to the the kindness of the worker in the restaurant.

In my dream, me and my boyfriend

In my dream, me and my boyfriend have been together for a long time. He then left me for one of his ex girlfriends, then came back to me. I accepted him and then he left me for a different ex girlfriend.

I've been dreaming a lot of weird

I've been dreaming a lot of weird thing s lately but I just wann a clarify one. I dreamt about being in church (it looks and feels like one to me) and the weird thing is there are vampires there. Not really many of them, the only vampires in the church are the family of 4, a guy, 4 girls (who were friends). I talked to the family and said that I wanted to be with their son (who was the eldest) and they smiled and accepted me. They said that after the mass I'll be meeting the vampire council and I saw their eldest smiling at me. When the mass was over I couldn't find them but the guy vampire was there so I approached him and asked him about the vampire council and he smiled and took my hand. The leader of the four girls suddenly approached (and she's a blonde) and talked to me. The guy vampire walked away and when he did so did the girl. She wouldn't even talk to me again. So I walked away and bumped into the eldest guy of the family(the one I supposedly like in the dream)and he took me to the vampire council and he told me that he loved me and we'd always be together but the guy vampire contradicted and things got ugly.

I had a dream that my boyfriend

I had a dream that my boyfriend told me he was homosexual and that he wanted to breakup with me. I felt very upset and cried but then i accepted it all and i woke up crying.