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I got so mad of my husband

I got so mad of my husband having to whisper something to a lady so I throw a glass of bottles to this lady's house and broken glass was everywhere infront of this lady's house

My granddaughter and I decide to go

My granddaughter and I decide to go to a revival type meeting. I drive to the meeting. There are farmers and Amish people there. After the meeting it is late at night, I am carrying my granddaughter to the car and pick up a white blanket from the ground. I place her in the car and cover her with the white blanket & go back to the tent for a minute. When I return to car my granddaughter is gone. Fearing the worst I run to the tent and find her there with a group of older men. I grab her from them and one of the men holds up a bottle of medication I take for an illness I have, I feel terrible fear and wake up...

Driving through building yards with one of

Driving through building yards with one of my grandaughters in the car, ended up being in town j livd in 23 yrs ago then I my old place of work. Inside were lots of young builders in work clothes there was music playing, one of the builder's kept raking me up to dance. Then I went through corridor and came out in town I live now. My ex son-in-law was there waiting for a ham he'd won in a raffle. Then I went outside to picnic area and was going to look for my car when a big female security guard appeared carrying a big bottle half filled with urine and demanded a sample from everyone before they could leave. I do not remember giving a sample or leaving.

My family and I were all in

My family and I were all in our house, and I went into the kitchen, then I heard fluttering and chirping. I opened one of the cabinets, and I grabbed a medicine bottle. The bottle had a small bird inside. After I took it out, it turned into a cat. Then, finally, a child. The child had black hair, one eye that was a strange color - red and yellow - and the other eye was normal, but I can't remember the color. When I first saw her, I knew that I met her years ago, in the dream, but I forgot what I named her then. The first name that came to me was Nix, or Nyx, I don't know which spelling. I then remembered the name Aurora. Then we all heard noises outside, and we all ran out the back door. We were being attacked. My aunt asked while we were running, "why are we running?" My mother said that we'll see. There was a forest and people in front of us. It was safety, I guess, but before we could go in we had to go by two people, and bow twice. My aunt was allowed in, but I wasn't. They said that the child that I named Aurora was the dark ones love reincarnated, and that I had to leave her outside. I wasn't going to leave her, so I stayed outside in the cold with Aurora.

So this is like the most real

So this is like the most real dream I think I've ever had it really felt real. I was at one of my friends uncles house dropping something off and my friend (the uncles nephew) came in the door so i turned around to see who came in. He (my friend) was holding a bottle of vodka and a gun. I could tell he was drunk. Then he pointed the gun at me and I remember feeling terrified, his expression was blank and so was mine. I didn't move or react. and he shot me in the head. But I didn't die like I could feel the warm blood running all over the floor and on me. Then he walked behind me so I couldn't see him and I heard like a rustling sound and then footsteps coming toward me then he paused and I knew he was pointing the gun at the back of my head. Then he shot again and I woke up. Like that's the first dream I've ever died in and it felt so real. I woke up in a panic.