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I remember being at a fair, it

I remember being at a fair, it seemed like a really old timey fair set in france or london because of the cobble stone roads and brick buildings. It was at night and I remember the sky being pure black with white speckles spread across it randomly. I specifically remember a wooden ferris wheel, maybe about 15 or 20 feet tall. Instead of carts though, it had wooden swings and for some reason I jumped on one as it was moving. There was a really overweight bald guy with a black shirt on facing me on the other swing and I felt scared. I was like kneeling on the swing as the ferris wheel was moving. I remember looking down to the ground below me and being afraid. I got off and went to go sit with my friends Dennis and Danovis at a white dainty circle table. Dennis had a really expensive camera and was trying to take a picture of me and Donavis but couldn’t get the flash to turn on. I said I would help and took his camera and somehow went to the gallery and discovered that every picture on Dennis’s camera was of me which was really creepy because there was over 100 pictures. That’s all remember when I woke up.

In my dream i was in a

In my dream i was in a large city lots of big buildings, not ssure what i was doing there but all of a sudden there were three large spacecrafts in the sky just flying around searching for someone. then came a large voice over that echoed through the skies calling for my name. They wanted me and i was scared, i was with my mum and i was trying so hard to hide under a bridge but then i just gave in, i packed my room all my clothes and books pretty much everything i had in this one room and took it onto the spaceship with me and that was it

I was running from what seemed to

I was running from what seemed to be a devil chasing me,I ran through alleys and buildings trying to outwit and get away. I ran till i reached a ocean or lake of water and couldn't run no more and turned and faced him, he grab me and threw me into the ground were i descended into darkness with paralyzing fear.

Climb up stair where lived as a

Climb up stair where lived as a kid in old buildings went into my grandmothers flat she seemed shorter and had face covered and did not speak to me also there was my late mother and father also never spoke my father had a smile on his face but no one said a word to me the thing was the dream seemed to want me to stay and I wanted to wake up seemed like it pulled me in

I was in a building. There were

I was in a building. There were bombs in it so me and several people evacuated. When we were outside I kept looking for a really good friend of mine. After a while o found her and we gave each other a real tight long hug. We all went into a different building. But buildings around us were exploding. My friend went missing somewhere after that.

I often dream vivid dreams. Last night

I often dream vivid dreams. Last night I was swimming in the ocean, alone, far from shore but with it still in sight. In the distance, a jet came into view. The closer it came to me, the more I could see that it was going to crash. Out of control, the jet ambled towards me. I had nowhere to go, no way to escape. I felt certain it was going to attempt a water landing with me in its path. I was left only to pray, and watch. It came closer and closer. Flying low, I dove underwater as it approached, fighting to go deeper. The plane squealed loudly as it skimmed the surface of the water above me. I could look up and see its belly scratching and clawing the surface above. The sound was deafening, a collective terrorizing shout of fear of the hundreds of nameless faces inside I could not see. As the plane skid past me, and with my lungs empty and crying for air, I fought with every muscle in my body aching to break back to the top and breathe again. I made it just in time, looking over my shoulder with weak but effusive pants just in time to see the plane bellow into the giant beachside hotel buildings, destroying them on impact with a deafening blow that echoed for miles. The anticipated explosion followed. I spent the next few minutes back underwater hiding and looking up as debris fell and tattered my surroundings forming a blanket that sought to drown me. Treading water moments later, the once peaceful ocean was littered and trashed with fiery scraps of metal, junk and torn body parts. I rescued a drowning boy and his sister. They were maybe five. Twins. Crawling onto the beach with the boy and the girl on my back, wringing to my neck, I laid them down. They were alive, whoever they were. I woke up.

I woke up in hell to find

I woke up in hell to find myself in a street where all the buildings were the same. There was no way to escape from this place. I found two beautiful women and asked one to have anal sex, she agreed so we walked to the bathroom and I took her anal virginity while her friend watched.

I am standing in a tall high

I am standing in a tall high rise that I use to live in with my dad (my parents are divorced and I now live with my mom.) There are many more buildings surrounding this building that are not there in real life. Suddenly, a building starts falling. It doesn't explode, it just seems to collapse and tip over. This sets off a chain reaction and all the other buildings start falling. My building is very close to the falling buildings but it is untouched. I look out the window and see a lot of fire, everything is burning but there doesn't seem to be any human casualties.