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I was giving a tour with Kyle

I was giving a tour with Kyle at the CIncy Zoo and we went into the alligator/snake room. The floor collapsed and a snake bit my left hand. Kyle left me and I was looking around for Christian when I found Tommy and his whole family. Tommy ran up to me and hugged me and told me he was so happy that I had my sorority there for me when we broke up. If that wasn’t perfect timing enough, Christian walks up and introduces himself as my boyfriend. Tommy mom hugs me and says congratulations he’s so cute. wake up

I was in a stadium full of

I was in a stadium full of thousands of people and in the middle of this stadium was a man preaching about jesus christ and god and thousands of people got up and started exiting the stadium and i got angry and stood up and said yous remember this day remeber this day

Me and my husband were outside a

Me and my husband were outside a dark cave. Inside the cave were his bother, wife and son. We are Christians, and they have never made that decision to be born again. They were yelling some sort of something at us, that was supposed to have the name of Christ or "GOD" in it, but hey intentionally kept any hint of the word God or Christ out of it. We were shouting into the darkness of the cave, "You've kept out the name of God in what you say, you never even say "ENTITY", I was harassing them and arguing with them about it. On and on they would recite patiriotic things and would intentionally leave Christ our God out. Isn't there something in the bible about "shouting into the darkness?" To me, there was something to this dream, a hint of something God is trying to tell me.

I was smoking weed with my boyfriend,

I was smoking weed with my boyfriend, i felt really high so i wanted to go to bed. Later (I don't know how I got there) I was on some sort of bus with rooms and such and for some reason I thought it was mine. It all seemed a bit unfamiliar bit I just thought I was tripping. I was still feeling the effect of the weed and the people on the bus, my boyfriends friends, were acting really weird and ignoring me. It turns out the bus was one of my boyfriends friends. On the way to wherever we were going outside I could see Christmas decorations, I was laughing saying 'is it just me or can I see Christmas decorations outside? It's not even Christmas.' I was ignored and figured it was because I was tripping and making a fool of myself. Once again, I have no idea how I got there but I had arrived at somebodies house, but it was enormous, and i couldn't find my boyfriend or children. My children were never on the bus with me but I just kept crying that I just wanted to go home and find my children. I encountered weird things while searching for my boyfriend and kids. A midget who I wanted badly to hurt but who was protected by a giant was one. I tired to phone my boyfriend but a weird message kept coming up about the call/line being diverted. When I found my boyfriend he was laying in a bed with medical tubes and such in his arms. He had no eyes, or rather on closer inspection they were covered with flesh. So it kinda formed a pink fleshy eye. He couldn't talk to me much, but he told me that while I was stoned he had made me sign something as I was not able. He had no idea that this would happen though. I think he was being experimented on I made my way outside where I still knew was still apart of whoever was controlling this ordeal. There were Christmas things again and also Halloween decorations. I saw a vampire and thought that maybe this is what they were trying to do to my boyfriend. Experimenting to make human vampires. I then found my boy. He was all dirty and didn't seem overly stressed about it all. He was running about with other dirty children. At one point I thought he had lost an arm and was relieved when I realised he hadn't. He was a bit bruised though I think. I hugged him and cried and told him that I was sorry. This is when my daughter woke me up. When I awoke I was still feeling all the emotions from my dream and I cried. I dont think I've ever had such an intense dream, and it was so vivid.

It was Christmas eve and we had

It was Christmas eve and we had a knock on the door and something that looked like a witch came in after eating dinner my family and witch went outside into the garden where the witch asked me to try a show on that she had in her pocket and when I did I died

I was at the fairgrounds with my

I was at the fairgrounds with my dad and the 4-h director. I was running around looking for my lambs and where to tag my lambs in, but I was alone. Then i was at home and christy was there helping my pack for 4-h camp but my bag was all the way at the fairgrounds still so everything i packed i had to run it to the fair

I was in a field full of

I was in a field full of Christian people then all of a sudden we were separated into two groups on the field, my group only had 3 people including myself and all the others were on the other side not believing in God anymore, not sure what had happen, a lady then came to meet with both side not sure for what but all I remembered is letting her know that know matter what this side represents God but the other side was not to please about that

Wife gave me a Christmas present... 'a

Wife gave me a Christmas present... 'a 50 pound bag with my late fathers ashes. I brought it downstairs in the church and the bag secretly leaked six oerfect piles of oily ashes that we offered to clean up

I have had this reoccurring dream about

I have had this reoccurring dream about little blue men that start coming out of the Christmas tree. When you hit them they multiply. After a while of fight these men I find that the only was to kill them is by hitting them over the head with an ice tray. These little men are evil looking with sharp teeth and razor sharp nails.