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Went to a barn or open house.

Went to a barn or open house. My husband was talking to this other woman without making eye contact with me. It was as if he were separating himself from me while talking with others. I went outside. There was mowed grass in a circle surrounding the house. The grassy meadow beyond was longer. There were animals grazing. I step in poop and have to wipe it off. My sister is sitting at a cafe table with a friend. Another friend is sitting at a table next to them. I tell my sister how tired I am of Dustin always separating himself from me when talking to other people.

Pi is defined as the ratio of

Pi is defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. but police say she planned the killing in a jealous rage.They say the investigation into the camp began a year ago when one teen allegedly went to the hospital with serious internal injuries encouraging conservatives to "reload" against Democrats as well as some within their own ilk and accusing President Obama of "palling around" with domestic terrorists. "I certainly hope so, sisters.'" Luzarraga said he said that Google Reader was never profit-driven.S. Calif. Nike Free 5.0 + Femme

“Oh, that’s very funny,” a French bystander

“Oh, that’s very funny,” a French bystander said. “Trust a German to ignore the redIt’s 10am, the morning after yet another miserable World Cup performance for England, and I am staring at a static image of a series of interconnected circles on a sheet of A4. According to the notes under the diagram, which comes several pages into an “unconscious bias” training pack, it is a cognitive illusion ― “even when you know the circles are not moving, they still look like they are” ― and demonstrates how our brains “are influenced by our cultural environment much more than we realise”. Mens Nike Air Max 2012

I had a dream that me ,

I had a dream that me , family and friends , in and out of school were all sitting in a cave . having a fire and talking in a circle . Also my ex- bf was there but in the same time i had another guy with me but he was not my bf yet . we were still getting to know each other. we loved each other so much

Camping with family, then at night we're

Camping with family, then at night we're in a big circle around fire then a mountain lion shows up wanting to attack. But I defend my family by telling them to get big and yell loud at it to scare it away. It leaves.

I usually have vivid dreams, but I

I usually have vivid dreams, but I can also usually interpret them myself, as I understand that the subconcious draws symbolic meaning from things. However, this one has me stumped and I am looking for help. Let me first preface this with some important information. Most importantly, I own three pet snakes, who are friendly and lovable. This is essential to understand because these snakes hold a different meaning to me as they are my pets, so it's not an ordinary snake dream, but rather a beloved pet dream. They are all also young and healthy (so there's no danger in reality of any harm coming to them). I have had about 4 or 5 dreams in the past year in which something or someone kills them in terrible ways. Most other things about the dream vary. It's always different locations and themes, and usually a different thing trying to kill them. Also, it's my two male snakes that are usually in danger. Another thing is that I recently dated a guy for the first time in a long time, and broke it off a couple weeks later. I liked him a lot but it wasn't serious. We hadn't been boyfriend and girlfriend or anything, it was just a matter of him being younger and not wanting a serious relationship. I was the one who broke it off as I didn't feel I could stay casual or non-exclusive. Last night's dream was the most disturbing one I've had, however, and so this is what has me seeking answers. Some aspects are hazy but I remember being in a large, lavish building, lots of red (my favorite color) and lots of attractive people around my age (26). It was some sort of function. The guy I most recently dated is there, and we are just kissing and walking around and having a good time (no sex or anything like that, just on a date, it seemed). I am suddenly somewhere else, and when I go up to find him there are attractive girls surrounding him. I try to push my way through, do things to get his attention, but nothing works and he ends up being weirded out by me and leaving with the other, more attractive girls. It gets a bit hazy here, but I am with a friend now, trying to find my way through this sort of palace. I remember going back and fourth and around in circles a lot before I find "my room" in this place. When I go in, my female snake's tank is there, open. To my horror I look down and she has been torn to pieces, her bloody tail on the ground. While I have no recollection of feeding her in the dream, I instinctively felt as though a mouse or rat (their food) has done this to her. I pick up the gross, bloody pieces of her and cry for help, but I am alone and no one comes. I start crying uncontrollably, and this is where I woke up, crying in reality. This was the worst dream I've had in a long time, and I am completely stumped as to what it means. My snakes are healthy and fine (I don't feed them live mice or rats so there's no danger of this happening in reality). In regards to the guy I was dating, I didn't believe there to be any serious feelings involved, as it was not a long-lasting or serious affair. He was the first person I had dated in a while though. Is my subconcious telling me different? I have none of these feelings while I'm awake. And what does my female snake's gruesome death have to do with anything? Somebody please help me make sense of this.

I had a dream of the world

I had a dream of the world ending 7 thing were suppose to happen and they were each named the 7th one was named Death and everything was destroyed then a circle showed up in front of me with stars from space in it and it was slowly closing and I was yelling I love you mom many times then it closed and everything went silent but then I woke up in paradise.

My friends and I had a sleep

My friends and I had a sleep over party and I snuck out and got a steak and a waved the steak over one of my friends faces to wake him up and then we all woke up and we sat in a circle quietly eating a single steak

In a giant cave like structure, this

In a giant cave like structure, this divine woman stood a step above me. I stood in front of her, and she asked me a question with no right or wrong answer. then she invited me up to the step above my current one, to stand on her level, and she glared into my eyes with her purple eyes. we looked at each other for awhile. then she took my left hand and she drew a circle on my left palm, she wrote "the father, the son, and the holy spirit", followed by her pointing to a shiny black pyramid way up high, the top of the pyramid was facing down, spinning counterclockwise. I felt it was my house. it was moving up into the light, the light from the hole in the ceiling of the cave. I looked at my hand, and the words she wrote had a glow to them.