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A zombie apocalypse had taken place. My

A zombie apocalypse had taken place. My best friend and I had survived for years, and we took in anyone in need of help and treated them like family. I saw my best friend lying on the bed, moaning with blood coming from her nose and mouth, her skin looking a bit discolored. I (hesitantly) stuck a screwdriver through her head so she wouldn't have to suffer the mindless existence of being undead. I didn't realize it, but she was speaking fluent English. Although I stabbed her multiple time in an attempt the relinquish her from the hell the world was, she wouldn't pass. I then came to the realization that she wasn't a zombie, because she was speaking to me, telling me that things were going to be okay . She then fell silent and limb, and tears came from my eyes.

I dreamed on i am is a

I dreamed on i am is a thousandth dimensional being from lucapoetykona a star system not yet discovered by the army tech crew

Boat fishers boat we all go into

Boat fishers boat we all go into the body of water my deceased grandmother jumps in and dies while the crew search for her they declared her dead unable to get her out the water. So she dies on the ocean. This time around I'm happy of her death and planned her funeral. Then I go shopping. Then I was at the mail room and found mail on my ex's route so I reported them to the supervisor