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My boyfriend is in jail and i

My boyfriend is in jail and i had a dream that he got out of jail and when i seen him i kissed him on his neck and he got on top and ejaculated in me what does this mean

Mdreamed my boyfriend got out of jail

Mdreamed my boyfriend got out of jail and was suiting on bed I opened my eyes and looked up I was excited look at him he was smiling then I woke up

My boyfriend is in jail and has

My boyfriend is in jail and has a court date this week where he may get out i had a dream that he got out of jail and we were so happy does this mean he will get out ?

I was on the roof painting and

I was on the roof painting and was throwing paint of the street a police officer road by and then a swat team basically came to my house arrested me and gave me jail time. I was sad my mother and my brother were there as well as my mentee.