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Living in a different house with some

Living in a different house with some people i don't know. One girl always wears a purple robe and and black head wrap, all i can see of her is her purple eyes; this girl feels scary but i'm attracted towards her. We all go out fishing, while buying bait my brother chases a 6ft long maggot around and hugs it.

It started off i was in a

It started off i was in a brewery, there was three giants, the giants make me count things, for some reason some odd man gave me a till from a cashpoint behind him when i looked down rather than having money it had red betting chips and maggots covered in sand. I was carrying it round and then the giants made me count the holes on a plucked duck breast (from where the quills had been)

I Went to school starting the new

I Went to school starting the new semester. I had trouble finding my classroom. On my schedule it showed a number that didn't make sense, but when I showed someone else to get help it showed the right number to the classroom I needed. While in class I was goofing around with two guys I don't really talk to and there was a girl I haven't even seen since elementary school. My sister was suddenly behind me telling me to stop flirting with other guys because I was already "engaged". I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. I went to the one right beside the classroom which I'd never been in. When I opened the door it was disgusting. It was made of old, dark wood and straw covered the floor. Everything was brown and covered in maggot and other small bugs. I was afraid to sit on the toilet but I did anyway, I could feel the bugs trying to crawl on my legs. I had to per but I couldn't seem to do it. I tried to quickly finish then went to the sink. It was long and deep, there was clothing stuffed in it and when I moved them, water was pouring out of the faucet. I realized it was broken. I washed my hands. Luckily there was soap. I took the clothes and tried stuffing them back in the faucet to stop it from running but I couldn't get it quite right but I wasn't worried. I left in a hurry and started walking down the halls of school where I found my mother.