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I am in a school and I

I am in a school and I see old friends I used to know and when i am walking down the hallway I see everything like closed and I see kids in the cafetiera and i am walking to get lunch and I see an old friend behind me in line and these 8th graders are making fun of 7th graders for going on a field trips and I was annoyed at them and said "you did the same thing so shut the fuck up bitch ass niggas" and walked off

I don’t know where I was but

I don’t know where I was but i know like half of the 9th grade or all of the 9th grade was there. So something was going on with all of the 9th graders and we were all NEEDY and there were some people there that were trying to help us. I refused to let them help me. Some of the girls and very few of the guys begged someone to help them and very few would help. So after a while of my suffering and begging some of the boys (Seth, JC, John Emerson, McCade, Ethan Hartfield, and River) to help me, Kaylyn and Elizabeth came up to me and started talking to me about what they did to satiate their neediness. They kept telling me about how they ate each other out. Elizabeth offered to help me and I’m like “No, Im good. Thanks though” and they walked away and I slid down the wall I was leaning against. So I sit there for awhile and I hear three voices coming toward me so I stood up and looked toward where the voices were coming from. I saw Braedon and two men walking toward me. I looked at Braedon and he looked at me and stopped walking. He just stared at me and I stared back at him and the two men that were with him asked where was the person he wanted and if I was the person he wanted and he nodded. So they left and he walked up to me and took his shirt off and I looked away and he walked up to me and pushed me against the wall and whispered to me “we don’t have to do this. Just tell me a-and I’ll stop. I-I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Jus-just tell me, ok?” and I nodded and he kissed my cheek and pulled my shirt off and he set his hands on my hips and my arms went around his neck and he kissed me. He then asked if I was ok and if I wanted him to continue and I didn’t say anything and he completely stopped and caused me to whine. He looked at me and slightly smiled and said “Kat, I’m not gonna do anything if don’t want me to. But I need you to tell me so I don’t make you uncomfortable or go too far. Please. I need you to tell me. Cause if I continue, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop” and I nodded and begged him “Please Braedon. Please. I need you. You wont make me uncomfortable, I promise. Just please continue” and he nodded and kissed me again and kept going. As he continued, he would ask me every once in a while if I was ok or wanted him to stop and I would say that I was fine and didn’t want him to stop. So he continued and eventually he went all the way and I was ecstatic. He didn’t mean to but he started leaving hickeys on my neck that I knew I would have to hide later. Wen we finished he was so sweet and kept asking if I was ok and kept helping me. So about 15 minutes after we had finished, he was being slightly clingy but it was cute. So later we were somewhere, I think it was the elementary school cafeteria, and Leasie and Kylie were there. So Braedon and I walked in and sat down and Kylie was talking 50 miles a minute. Leasie came up to us and asked us what was up with us and we just blushed and didn’t say anything. So Leasie asked “Did you two fuck?” and I just look at her and say “LEASIE MAE DAVIS?!” and she’s just like “What?” and I look over at Braedon and he was blushing very hard and was shaking his head and I’m just like “You can’t ask people that but n-no we didn’t” and she’s like “oh” and I’m like “go bother your brother and Mady. And take Kylie with you” so she does and I look at Braedon and we leave.

This dream begins with myself walking down

This dream begins with myself walking down a long sidewalk and a man about 14 feet away walking in the opposite direction. he was carrying a basin of water. when he saw me he lunged forward and i had to dodge quickly to avoid boiling hot water in my face. as it was, i was scalded from the wrist to the elbow. i ran . he ran after me. a dark gray granite wall ran the whole length of the sidewalk. i saw a gate open. i dashed inside. i could hear him muttering to himself. "where did he go?" then i heard a voice behind me DO NOT ANSWER HIM .i turned around and saw a man with a long white beard,with a rod of alder in one hand and a palladium sword in another.