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I was being chased by flying demons

I was being chased by flying demons throughout town. I was running through buildings and jumping over fences. Every once in awhile I would stop and place scented trash bags down in front of the flying demons path. The demons would burst into flames when they flew over the scented trash bags.

I had a bad dream about someone

I had a bad dream about someone staring at me while i was sleeping and me and my brother where getting chased but we were running so slow.

I had a dream Cardi C was

I had a dream Cardi C was chasing after me on a pink bicycle. He was singing, but I don't remember the song. He chased me until the sun came up, all the way to the beach, where the water looked gray, and a bit violent. It was a dead end, and I said, "Fine! I'll go with you! (on some sort of journey, which I was afraid of, because for some reason, I had thought, like in the book, Melmoth the Wanderer, if I agreed, I'd be damned for eternity.) Soon after a huge wave came and swept us back to my house (which didn't look like my house).

I have dreamt my aunty taking me

I have dreamt my aunty taking me into a inyanga then suddenly the inyanga chased away my aunty telling her that she need to go to the water while walking I saw some small people trying to scare me

I was at school and my ex

I was at school and my ex was there and some old faces too and I was just walking around campus and meeting everyone and then I was in the cafeteria area alone with just my ex having a private meal and he was acting stupid and I was acting normal and he had this thing and it mocked me and then the scene changed to me opening a door for some girl and a celebrity and then going around campus to find out i lost my backpack and notebook to me looking for it and finding out where it was, from my full real name being announced; I was thinking shit some people don't know my name, as I go by MilaToro for my job in real life right now. And it got announced on the school speaker by a teacher for all to hear; along with my and age that I'm going to be next year and I franticly went to the room and the teacher was there on the steps to enter the classroom and he saw me and gave gave me my stuff and to find out it wasn't my notebook that someone else had it and i thought it was my ex who had it but i kept the notebook anyway. As I’m walking away I told the girl next to me and told her well it's filled with math notes i midst well keep it as i can learn from it. Then it jumped form the school campus grounds to urban ranch styled homes and bulls in the grass fields. I was I guess still looking for my notebook and to the left of the grassy fields was the school outside campus, I was running from street to campus walkways to the grass fields and somehow ended up being chased by multiple bulls and running to jump over the gate into the flowers to be safe the bull was so close to smashing me. It's ironic because the bull I was thinking in my dream was a representation of me , because my horoscope is a Taurus and I'm in the month of May right now in real life and my birthday is 6 days away. Anyway I never finished the area because then I woke up.