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Two night I have dreamt of cats,

Two night I have dreamt of cats, first evening I was aquiring kittens in different colours, but the one that stands out was chocolate colour, they just wandered about on the floor. Last night I was talking to a statue under a table that turned into a real cat/dog like churchill? I was cuddling another cat but knew it was going to become ill and die, as I held it over my shoulder, so was contemplating getting another one quick to ease myself into the loss of it dying and leaving me alone, I was very emotional.

I was hunting Easter candy and chocolate

I was hunting Easter candy and chocolate in a field and woods with other people I knew. At first I felt I was stealing the candy for food but later realized it was approved of. I would later find a very large chocolate Easter bunny, my cousin and I decided to give to his adopted son.

I am a vegetarian. I had eaten

I am a vegetarian. I had eaten a chocolate containing egg 2 days ago. It's against my religion. And I have been feeling very guilty ever since. Then I saw this dream last night. I was eating meat in the dream. I hated the taste. I was feeling very guilty in the dream as well.

I'm running through the woods with someone

I'm running through the woods with someone and this crazed girl is trying to kill us. She has killed a lot of people. We hide under a staircase and she is close to finding us but turns back. The person I'm with is killed and I witness it. I run into a shop and she runs after me. There is stuff everywhere. She acts normal and tries to find me, but I escape by climbing up a tower of stuff. She sees me through the pile and we make eye contact and she starts coming after me. I run through town and she is on the verge of killing me, but two men save me by stabbing her through the roof of her mouth. She isn't dead yet and is still walking around, but is going to die. The men by us brick shaped pie, because it will be her last meal. I get chocolate chip.