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I Went to school starting the new

I Went to school starting the new semester. I had trouble finding my classroom. On my schedule it showed a number that didn't make sense, but when I showed someone else to get help it showed the right number to the classroom I needed. While in class I was goofing around with two guys I don't really talk to and there was a girl I haven't even seen since elementary school. My sister was suddenly behind me telling me to stop flirting with other guys because I was already "engaged". I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. I went to the one right beside the classroom which I'd never been in. When I opened the door it was disgusting. It was made of old, dark wood and straw covered the floor. Everything was brown and covered in maggot and other small bugs. I was afraid to sit on the toilet but I did anyway, I could feel the bugs trying to crawl on my legs. I had to per but I couldn't seem to do it. I tried to quickly finish then went to the sink. It was long and deep, there was clothing stuffed in it and when I moved them, water was pouring out of the faucet. I realized it was broken. I washed my hands. Luckily there was soap. I took the clothes and tried stuffing them back in the faucet to stop it from running but I couldn't get it quite right but I wasn't worried. I left in a hurry and started walking down the halls of school where I found my mother.

Dreamed with a girl a saw two

Dreamed with a girl a saw two weeks ago. We were both in a hurry to catch a train. She noticed me and I noticed her. Both of us were carrying baggage. The train arrives and we both got on the same train car. We sat close together but I had a random girl sitting on top of me. Another guy took the chance to talk to her and I looked out the window of the train car to see the landscape and then suddenly I woke up.

I was at my friends house late

I was at my friends house late at night and there was a lot of us and then our friend came to pic us up in a red van. i walk outside and i am instantly drunk while walking to the car i trip on a pile of dirt/sand and drop all of my things. my friends tell me to hurry and i get in the car and there are about 10 people. when the doors of the car close my friend that is driving is drunk and starts driving very quickly onto ongoing traffic wile lighting a cigarette we crash and all i can see and feel is the car being smashed and rolling over many times. there is blood everywhere and my friend yells oh my god there is a stick coming out of your back... referring to me even tough i don't feel a thing, and then i close my eyes

Me, my husband, and our four kids

Me, my husband, and our four kids were kidnapped by gang members and locked inside a building with windows. When we looked outside we saw a lot of gang members looking at us. The next morning a fake cop let someone else out and we escaped. Then I was sleep in my old house and woke up to find that one of my children left to go to the store and was calling because the gang members was trying to get him. As me and the three kids were leaving a large group of gang members came after us and two kids had to hurry up and jump in the truck and a white boy called out to my sone and said please help me. I told them to get in and we left him behind. My son said that the boy was somebody we didnt need to leave behind.

I turn on a light so then

I turn on a light so then i hurry up and unscrew the lightbulb. Then i run to the window and look outside, there are 70 zombies outside. I tell my mom and stepdad and my stepdad turns the televison up really loud. I look outside and there are no more zombies. I go outside and i see squirrels fixing my neighbors fence.

I had vivid dream at my now

I had vivid dream at my now ex Ira's house about how the earth was on fire and I felt compelled to draw a picture of how I saw it in my dream, Ira saw the picture I drew, I don't know where it is now. Well, I've not had another dream like that this whole time until this morning and it's the reason I'm awake right now. In this dream I was somewhere, I don't know where but it was primitive like a medieval place and everyone around the place seemed to be on edge. Then all of a sudden at dusk all the animals and I mean all of them took off running away from something all in the same direction. When they passed everyone was arguing about whether or not to follow the animals or stay. A group of us decided we were going to leave with them so we started gathering our things. I was looking for bags to put my stuff in and I filled one, then I picked up another bag, a green kacki army backpack which was out of place for the time period I was dreaming about. I then decided against taking it thought it would be too much of a load since I already had one bag full up, because it seemed like we'd be in a big hurry and I didn't want to be too weighed down, so I left the backpack on a bed there. As I turned to walk away to leave I looked back at it and I thought well good thing I decided to leave it behind because there was the name on it and then some one would know we had been there. I didn't see the name that was on it. Then, it just got dark in my dream like a pause, then this voice finally came and it was loud, like I was actually hearing it in the real, it was a mans voice but I didn't recognize it. He said 'They've turned the T.V's off. And my thought was that it was really all happening and was definitely time to go now and I felt real fear from head to toe and then I woke right up

I am about twenty years old. I

I am about twenty years old. I look almost the same but have a slightly more mature aura. I am walking down a very busy street. As I look around me, I notice every one is in a hurry. They are all traveling in the opposite direction that I am currently walking in. I have a strange feeling that something bad I going to happen, but I continue to walk in the same direction. After a while of walking I realize I am on the same street but it is now abandoned. I start walking faster and faster until I finally breakout into a run. I am now running and looking around trying to figure what is going on and where everyone went. I suddenly feel like I am being watched. As I look around, I realize a tiger is watching my every move. The tiger takes painfully slow steps towards me and bears his teeth at me. I took off running as fast as I could. I could feel myself tense up and feel anxiety start to build up. I turned a corner into a dark alley and saw a high-chained fence. I ran towards it and started climbing it. I can her the tiger panting behind me as he creeps closer and closer towards me. I try to rush my climbing to beat him over the fence. Suddenly I was pulled back by the tiger’s teeth. This caused me to jump in my sleep and wake me up.

Me and my family which is composed

Me and my family which is composed of my dad my stepmom my little brother and two little sisters moved too a new big house. My dad is normally away at work , so I took this time to invite a guy over. My dad doesn't want me around boys in like a dating type way. But I did it anyway because I liked him. All of a sudden! My dad came back early ! So I started panicking ! I'm like, you got too get out! Hurry hurry! I push him in the bathroom because I remember there is a window he can climb. Then before Michael the guy I liked left we kissed and it was really quiet. I checked the door to see if it was locked. And BAM! My dad busted in, I started screaming saying go Michael go! My dad is furious! And pulls Michael back in to hit him but I get in the way and Michael gets out. Then after that, my dad leaves again. And I'm sad and i feel bad about the whole thing . I went back to the same bathroom and I hear something. It's Michael! He never left, I told him he had to go but deep inside we knew we didn't want to leave. So he stayed in the bathroom talking, kissing and playing around. Then suddenly my mom walks in and I'm like mom!!! Beg daddy to let me see him, please! And she said he would. We kissed and then he left.