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I was sneaking in the back of

I was sneaking in the back of a makeup studio while people were coming in for interviews, and the person that was supposed to be there conducting interviews wasn't there. I took the applications and told the people I'd call them. I set my phone down on the computer desk and played around in makeup for awhile. I then left so I wouldn't get caught. I forget why I was walking or where I was going to, but I got lost, and I asked a tiny child how to get back to the makeup place because I lost my phone. The kid sounded like he knew EXACTLY where I was talking about, and he told me to come with him. He found a man who had a thick Jamaican accent and gave him twenty dollars. In exchange the man gave him a pile of nickles (about 2$ worth). The nickles were covered in grimey stuff and the kid took half the nickles and gave them back to him. The man then pulled out a handful of maggots an d put them on the ground next to the nickles (wtf:??) and the kid smiled. At this point I knew they wouldn't know where to take me...but the kid (who was about 8) looked at me and said 'we drive there?' He walks to a car, I hop in, and he hops in the driver seat. He drives backwards over four narrow bridges at CRAZY fast speeds. I'm worried now because I don't have my phone, and my significant other might be mad at me because he can't call me to see if I'm ok. I'm also LIVID at this kid, who despite my pleas won't stop going over the narrow bridges which are a car width wide at best. Finally, I get out and a spooky looking dude with one eye says if I walk north for a minute and then west, I'll find it. I thank him. I pass through a blue bouncey-house on the way to the makeup place and my phone falls out of my pocket. Turns out I had my phone the whole time.

I dreamt hat i was in the

I dreamt hat i was in the kitchen cabinet breaking it down when a piece of the wood was full of maggots then i recall urinating in a bucket and it began overflowing with maggots