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My 12 year old niece was staying

My 12 year old niece was staying at a resort with her friends. When I entered their room there were drunk men in the room.

My mom tells me I'm taking a

My mom tells me I'm taking a trip to India and I'm excited to see my cousin and newly-born niece. I begin to pack and my cousin appears out of nowhere. We talk while I pack and eventually I get on the plane. The dream ends there.

My mom tells me I'm taking a

My mom tells me I'm taking a trip to India and I'm excited to see my cousin and newly-born niece. I begin to pack and my cousin appears out of nowhere. We talk while I pack and eventually I get on the flight. The dream ends there.

I dreamed that my deceased father was

I dreamed that my deceased father was sitting in a chair and there were (hammering) nails all over the floor one of my nephews had a couple in his mouth so i had my niece and nephew help me pick them up.. My nephew picked his up fast but my niece and I were slow but while I'm picking them up my father was eating fast and a lot and I sake him what he has been doing he said he's been walking the board walks in myrtle beach when I asked if he was lonely and who he talked to he said you guys but you don't hear me

I was tickling my niece and she

I was tickling my niece and she screamed, then my mom yelled angrily and said i will cut you, i ran i n the bathroom and heard my niece scream

I was playing with my baby niece.she

I was playing with my baby niece.she sat over roof . I noticed but thought I will handle her.bt suddenly she fall down on other side. it was a large building so she died

My nniece fell in dirty river of

My nniece fell in dirty river of running water and I jumped in to save her. I yelled out help but was not out the river.

I was at gas station near my

I was at gas station near my old home and was getting out of the car when I saw my favorite uncle. I didn't want him to see me as I am ashamed of myself and he ignored me then when he came out with my friend Preston, he said that i am his former niece. He told Preston to remember that

I had a dream that my adoptive

I had a dream that my adoptive sister was buying me and my little sister a bunch of clothes hanging from the door and my niece brought a movie over and because my adotive mom and sister are religous they dont allow certain things but she brought this vampire movie and strangley enough they let her put it on and watch it in my adoptive sister house.