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I'm at a big club-type party with

I'm at a big club-type party with my best friend K. The party is an event that's going through town, not one of the local clubs. It's in a western-style building with an L-shaped staircase. Most of the party is on the main level, I don't go upstairs. A dark-haired man catches my eye through a crowd. Later, that same man has me pinned to the floor and is attacking me violently. I'm terrified and confused, as I don't understand the reason for the attack but I know it's me specifically he's after. Later, I'm walking up a large, broad, off-white marble staircase with K, leading to a patio-type area on the front of a building. It reminds me of something I've seen in movies, there's definitely nothing like it in the city where I live. On the patio area there are tables, also off-white marble. We are going to an art class, and I am looking forward to it. There is modeling clay on the tables, but we have cameras and are going off to take photos. I have my ex-boyfriend's camera (that I used to borrow when he got a better one and was teaching me photography). He is there and sees me with the camera, but we don't interact. Later, I go back to where the party was with K to look for clues, possibly as to a reason for the attack. I'm feeling traumatised. I'm terrified and upset and wondering if I will ever feel normal again after being attacked. I recall wondering if it's anything like what my friend felt after being sexually assaulted. At some point as we look around the club, I am descending the L-shaped staircase after finding nothing upstairs. We go into a small room to look around. The room is well-lit with natural light and is all painted off-white. There is a table in the middle. The room is familiar somehow. As we're looking through the room, the teacher from our art class walks by. We don't think anything of it until we go to leave the room and find that the door is locked from the outside. It's an old door, painted off-white like the rest of the room. The top half of the door contains a large, undivided window. A boy about our age who has been in the room the whole time but only comes to my attention now breaks the window and suggests we climb out through it. Only the lower half of the window breaks. K looks at him like he's stupid, reaches through the broken window and unlocks the door. I woke up shaking violently and afraid to go back to sleep. All through the dream I was terrified and felt like I was in danger. Extreme paranoia throughout.

In my dream I was with my

In my dream I was with my boyfriend and we were together and then he was working on art and paintings and became successful and other women wanted to see him and work with him. I felt so jealous of him and success I also started to argue with him. We argued about stupid things and I was telling him how I don't want to see him again and then I apologized to him about it.

I dreamed that my hair was very

I dreamed that my hair was very very long, and my boss was giving me a haircut, but instead of a trim like I asked, she cut off a very significant amount of length, and made excuses as to why she did it instead of doing what I asked. My father was there and angry that she didn't listen to me, calling her excuses stupid and irresponsible.

I don’t remember most of the details

I don’t remember most of the details of the dream, but I remember that I was in a super-creepy haunted house. I was there with some other people. I don’t know them in real life, but they were my close friends in my dream. I know there were a few people there, but I can only remember one of them, and she was wearing Victorian clothes and had brown hair. I think we were all at the house to find the ghosts or something, although there weren’t any that I can remember in the dream, and I’m not entirely sure that that’s why we were there. We were walking through the house, but I wasn’t scared. There were these little pink things floating around, almost like dust but… Not. They looked kind of like pink foil, like something you would see in Christmas wrapping or something. I can picture in my head what they were, but I don’t know what they’re called. They were just little squares of pink, foily paper. I don’t know haha. We thought they were pretty but just ignored them. We started walking up the stairs, and this voice came out of nowhere telling us to leave. We thought it was weird but kept going. Then the voice came again. “Get out now!” We were getting a little bit scared but not enough to listen to it. (Apparently I’m freaking stupid in dreams.) We finally reached the attic, which was where we were headed, I guess. We went inside, and the pink things were still floating around. We sat in a circle on the floor, and we heard the voice coming up the stairs. The weird part about this was that it was singing to the tune of “Sort Of” by Ingrid Michaelson. I don’t know how to explain that. Haha. But anyway, it was saying that we needed to leave now. By this time, we were scared of it and thought that somebody was going to hurt us. We were still sitting on the floor. The doorway to the attic, which was just a room that sat at the top of a staircase (like, the stairs led directly to the door, there was no landing), was to my left. We could hear the voice getting closer and closer, and then Tyler Blackburn (Caleb from Pretty Little Liars) walked in, only it wasn’t him in the dream. Like, it was him, but in the dream we didn’t know who he was or anything. We got scared because we thought he was going to hurt us since he’d been yelling at us to leave for a long time. He came in the room, looked at us, and said something along the lines of, “Okay, you’ve had your fun, it’s time to leave now.” Then one of the pink things floated down to the girl with the Victorian clothes. It landed on her lips, and she thought it was really cute. (These things were alive, by the way, and we knew it. We just didn’t know what they were. All they did was float there.) Tyler Blackburn got really upset and was yelling, “No! Get it off her!” We didn’t know why, so he was making us even more scared than we were before. The girl opened her mouth to say something or smile or something, which made him even more upset, and he started yelling more. Then we all understood why he was freaking out when the pink thing flew into her mouth and went down her throat. Blood started pouring out of her mouth, and I somehow knew that it had turned into a pinwheel sort of thing and was spinning rapidly and cutting her throat up. Then she started throwing up, only it wasn’t like projectile vomiting or anything, it was just kind of coming out of her mouth with the blood. Then she just fell over and died. My reaction to this was just something like, “Huh, well, that’s too bad.” I wasn’t really scared or upset. Then Tyler Blackburn started yelling, “Do you see why I told you to get out?! I was trying to protect you! You’re all going to end up like her if you don’t leave!” Then I woke up. It was super weird.

Me & a velociraptor are in a

Me & a velociraptor are in a sales tent. I'm looking at shampoo to buy, 1 bottle for 40$, 2 for 20$. I say outloud " This is stupid.." the velociraptor suddenly has a top hat and a tux on. he yellls at me. Then chases me around the world, and to my grandmothers house. Where he eats me. It's a reoccurring dream.

I was running away from some women

I was running away from some women after me and someone else said something stupid. We we running on a slope with rocks and bushes and I went up the slope while the stranger I was running with kept going on the slope.