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Recent dreams containing tongue page 9

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We were sitting with a group of

We were sitting with a group of people on a big table and i went with one woman she was helping me carry my bags to our transport and she went and looked herself on a small mirror to clean her tongue with a tempon

We were sitting with a group of

We were sitting with a group of people on a big table and I went with one woman she was helping me carry my bags to our transport and she went and looked herself on a small mirror to clean her tongue

We were sitting with a group of

We were sitting with a group of people and we ketc with one woman she was helping me carry my bags to our transpor and she went and looked herself on a mirror to clean her tongue

I was in a chair and my

I was in a chair and my hair was braided and my eyes were closed. My male friend smoothed my hair and telling me that this was needed. It felt like warm oil was being poured on my hair and scalp (in the dream and naturally). When I opened my eyes in the dream, I had a hairdresser view and saw that he was using his tongue on my scalp.