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We are at a party for Matt

We are at a party for Matt Laur's dad. his whole family is there and friends. at the beginning of the party we are strictly friends. and then we somehow admit we like each other and things are awesome from that point on. we can't keep our hands off each other. his family loves me. he's impressing my girlfriends with his humor and his manners (pulling out chairs for all of us.) except the incidenct where P heard him say he says he's Catholic and he enjoys tests on the bible. p goes "you better be joking" and I know he not. she looks at me with concern that he's super religious. but I give her that face like, he's so cute. before this, my parents said they were leaving and told them I mist go with them because in have class tomorrow. I ask what the boys are doing and they say they're sleeping over with josh and Andrew at this house. Matt Laur's house?! I tell my parents that ally friends are still here and if I can stay with my brothers. they insist that I don't because I have class and I tell them that it's Friday Tomorrow. not Saturday. and they admit their mistake and let me stay. before that though, Matt went missing. I looked for him to say bye and the dream me already expected the worst. maybe he found another girl to be with. leaving me in the dark. I pass by a room with two guys I don't remember and they're bummed that no one is wearing a hat. I tell them at the other party B and Nik were not wearing a hat but Sia was and they thank me. I go to the front and there is a mountain of suitcases that I decode to climb and look for Matt. I don't want to call him and act obsessive but obviously I think I'm leaving and I want to be able to say bye. he's nowhere! so I call him at the top of the mountain and yell him I'm leaving and he says that he went down Grand real quick. sounds sketchy. on my way down the mountain of suitcases I bump into Karin and Rheeza. Karin has braces again and I tell her I wish I did too. when I'm finally back on Earth I see a black on black chicken. from reddit. I go back to the backyard to wait for Matt. I bump into Galvin and he's devastated that I am with Matt. he tells me if it's official and I use my words wisely and tell him he had his chance. chances rather. he turns to wade and says, "hug me brotha". FF Matt has a disabled cousin who wanted hummus and pita. I get it for him and realize I need to feed it to him so I do. he seems so happy and matt's family notices and that makes me happy. first dream ever where the parents approve. I finally see Matt and a rush of relief comes over me. he's so tall and handsome. and kind of a dork. he's perfect. he takes my hand and I am so excited!!!

My twin sister, my brother, his girlfriend

My twin sister, my brother, his girlfriend and me were at my brothers girlfriends house and he asked us if we wanted pizza rolls so they all left me in the living room, the living room was right next to the stairs and doorway where they left to get pizza rolls and the couches were ones that you can separate but also have together and for some reason I was trying to put something alsmot like a tall laundry basket on the couches cushion but it kept falling over so I moved one part of the couch away to get a pillow that fell inbetween them to try to make it valence with the pillow and then these glass sheets fell. No one heard them break because for some reason my brother started doing dishes and he dropped a glass in the sink the same time the glass broke in the livingroom but the glass he dropped didn't break. Anyway since no one notices I just pushed it under the couch with my good and then I ended up having to move more glass type rectangles under the couch that were broken but they were a cream color. I moved it with my foot while I was leaning on a different couch, I had my white keds on and then I noticed my foot was stuck while trying to move the other broken glass tile. Since my foot was stuck I used my finer to try and pry off the glass from my shoe and when I got it off there was still a kind if rigged diamond piece still stuck in my shoe, when I went to reach to get it out of my shoe I noticed the blood on my finger was a very very dark red color and then things felt like they were going in slow motion and I couldn't quit me get a good look at my finger because everything was going slow and fuzzy and weird. Then everything went black and then it turned to a different scene, I was in the same place still trying to balance the basket and then my twin sister was next to me talking to me about something when a little dinosaur about 5 feet talk comes in from a doorway on the left of the couch and us and he just looks at us and so I went ontop of the couch to make myself look bigger than it and it walked back through the doorway and then I woke up.

I had so many bad dreams tonight.

I had so many bad dreams tonight. The first one: I took my step daughter Emily and my baby son (around 8m old and I don't have kids) to the prospect park to the ice skating rink. Emily went for Ice skating lesson and I was caring the baby. We were waiting for Mitch and far away I saw him with a woman in The forest ... I open A glass door and I went to them he hug her and kiss her like a goodbye. When I Got to them he said to me WHAT?. They looked at me and my Baby with bad eyes. Like I was the servant like garbage. She was tall hair in a puny tail, wearing jeans and a black blouse. Then one of my sister in law came to us and she said to me ... Don't worry I will fix it, and she took Mitch with her. He was like in other world. The second one I was trapped in a room with low windows and outside there was a big vulture. It was like a fabric and the culture was trying to catch and eat a little beautiful owl. The owl went outside and so many animals were trying to attack him I saw the little owl trying to fly and same his life and I was calling him to fly where I was because I feel could help him to heal and protect him. The thirds one I was in the house where I was raised and it was a woman spirit trapped in a room ( black short hair wearing a red top and jeans ) the room was my brother room ... A black witch woman did poison Mitch. I was trying to look for him and trying to take him away from her. This woman had so many kids and the room they all where living together was a mess smelly disgusting garbage place and the spirit inside sad scare of the witch woman. It was a BBQ and I was looking for Mitch and I couldn't find him. Mid while I saw my old friends from church and my Sisters. My Old friend fed me with meat. After that I told to one of my Sister about what happened to Mitch . She gave me a key to open The door of the dirty room. I went there, I opened the door and I took the spirit out... It was crazy one laughing and turning evil then crying and then sad. I heard Mitch and the woman and all the kids came Back and I returned the spirit back. I saw Mitch wearing a bandage around his head and A neck protection and more bandages he Was like zombie I followed him to a basement dark just lighting with candles and my sister was there and all my brothers (4 of them the men ones) and my sister said to me that I couldn't stay. She said they will bring him back to me. They were about to Do and exorcism ... Then I woke up. Mitch is my couple. We live together.

I looked into a mirror that was

I looked into a mirror that was covered in jewels and saw my parents walking toward me with knives. I ran toward my bedroom, but I was chased away by my friends and my brothers with knives, so I ran toward the bathroom. I looked in the mirror that was covered in jewels again and washed my hands in the sink, I turned around facing the bathtub. The curtain opened and a man with a mask stabbed me to death. I was killed in my dream

I looked into a mirror that was

I looked into a mirror that was covered in jewels and saw my parents walking toward me with knives. I ran toward my bedroom, but I was chased away by my friends and my brothers with knives, so I ran toward the bathroom. I looked in the mirror that was covered in jewels again and washed my hands in the sink, I turned around facing the bathtub. The curtain opened and a man with a mask stabbed me to death. I was murdered in my dream

I looked into a mirror that was

I looked into a mirror that was covered in jewels and saw my parents walking toward me with knives. I ran toward my bedroom, but I was chased away by my friends and my brothers with knives, so I ran toward the bathroom. I looked in the mirror that was covered in jewels again and washed my hands in the sink, I turned around facing the bathtub. The curtain opened and a man with a mask stabbed me to death.

This is all Doctor Who based. So

This is all Doctor Who based. So it started out with my best friend visiting and then I stayed at my grandmas with my brothers and Scott was being stupid so I ran off to this place I used to hang out at as a kid but there was this security thing set up but I had tens sonic screwdriver (he had given it to me as a promise he would come back after he took care of something in another time stream) and they let me in and there was some kind of weird alien spider thing and it was in a containment unit but it escaped and everyone was covered in webs that and we used the sonic to get out then bees (almost like the one in the episode with Agatha Cristy but more human) started to fight the spider thing (like the racnoss but again more human) anyway we escaped but the bee thing asked what species I was so I told him. Next thing I know we are being chased down because we are made of something called light time energy and in order to get us it manipulates our reality and we are surrounded by evil oods with katanas after eating cake and fruit (I can never eat oranges again because of this) and Mikey was there and he gets killed and his face sliced off and my friend, me ,my mum and some other people get captured and put in containers where we find out that the fruit we ate was ood brains... and I woke up before the doctor came to save me.

I was on the couch with my

I was on the couch with my two brothers when my sister a me in and asked me to babysit her daughter and her daughters friend. She told me to hang out with some adults who were also babysitting some children. We decided to go to Chuck-E-Cheese's, but it turned out to be a really crappy and nasty roller skating rink. We went to a apartment which turned out to be equally as crappy. We put the girls down for a nap and started exploring and found an aquarium room with mermaids. We were talking to the mermaids when some one told us they were lying and not to believe them so they began attacking us. We grabbed the girls and ran