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Put coat over friend who was cold

Put coat over friend who was cold and wet. went to an cricket stadium where a plane was flying down to land and did a loop in the air and went back up again.

I am painting with white paint from

I am painting with white paint from a jam jar when i realise i have been sold paint which is made from squashing a small cat into the jar so it holds the paint in its fur, i am distressed and wonder how the cat has survived. I remove the cat and her foam body coat which has been sewn on to her.it is small and in a terrible stte. I clean the cat with warm soapy water removing the paint which is also milk. I love fed and care for the cat. I try to make up for the terible abuse. my loving dog watches from a safe distance. the cat is beautiful.

I was roller skating with people, no

I was roller skating with people, no one specific, in a city. We came to a bridge, and the gate came down as the bridge was about to go up. sitting on the road in front of me was a woman and a 2 or 3 year old, wearing winter coats. As the bridge started to go up, the road separated (as it should do ) and the baby fell backwards into the water. The woman tried to grab the baby and missed, so she jumped into the water. I watched, debating whether to jump in or not, don't think I did jump in--then I woke up. I only saw the backs of the people so no idea who they were.

I had a dream of 2 large

I had a dream of 2 large strong bulls that were connected by their tale. It wasn't tied, they simply shared the same tail. They were walking between A mountain that had a hole in the middle of it, something that I've never seen before. However, i was told that it was called moon hill in my dream. After the 2 bulls walked through moon hill, they appeared to be clean. Not to say that they looked dirty prior to walking through the mountain, but their coat of skin was just so shiny. They were so large and strong and i could see the sun glistening off their Dark coat of skin. They looked so peaceful, and almost as though they didn't even know they were sharing 1 tail.

I lived in a shut-in society. It

I lived in a shut-in society. It had walls a few stories high and had a magical protective dome around it. The people inside grew up to believe that the outside world contained only death and destruction. That it was a barren wasteland (not that any of us ever saw it). One day, I was going to a friend's workplace to hang out with them while they were on break. We were laughing and joking around until we had strayed too far from the workplace and came upon the wall. I always avoided the wall because it had a deep, sinister look to it, but today I was struck with a deep curiosity. Nobody went to the top of that wall; nobody looked outside. But I wanted to. So I scaled the wall until I came to the top of it. I looked down and saw that there were trees turning the color of autumn, patches of grass upon the ground. And I saw a movement. There was a creature scurrying through the brush, its red coat popping out against the dull surrounding. It was a fox. It stopped and stared up at me with its beady eyes full of wisdom and sadness and then it ran and disappeared. Something about the fox made me want to reach out to that world. So I did. I brought my hand forward. When I did...it touched the dome and made a tiny hole where my finger went through. I waited to see if it would close up, but it didn't. Thinking I would get into trouble, I quickly got down from the wall and I never told anyone what happened up there. Later that week...people started dropping dead for no reason. Hours after they "died", their skin would turn purple, blue, and black. Their eyes would sink into their flesh and leave black pits. Anyone who came near those people would die too. I didn't understand what was happening until I observed it happening. There was a mist. It was a type of creature that didn't have a physical body It would enter through people's mouths while they were unaware and then it would paralyze its victims so they appeared dead, then after a few hours it would start sucking the life from them, sucking as much nutrients from the body until the people actually died. The mist got to my mother and my grandmother. I tried to save them. Their lips were starting to turn blue as the mist creature was already starting to drain the life from my family members. I did something insane. I pressed my mouth against their lips, and the creatures, seeing an easy victim, transferred from their body to mine. The first creature that invaded hurt a lot and felt like I was suffocating. Somehow I managed to be able to semi-function though. And then I got the second creature to fall for my plan. By then, I was in utter agony. But I could still move. I was somehow immune to whatever they did to paralyze their victims. I'm sure the creatures didn't know, or else they would've tried to get out. I called an emergency line to make sure that people would come to rescue my mom and grandmother and then I ran. I ran away from everyone and everything in a blind hurry to get those creatures inside of me as far away from everyone as I possibly could. The sheer power of my will drove me, because the pain was my entire world in that moment. But...for some reason, I kept thinking back to the fox as I was realizing my doom. Something about it bothered me. Something about it was just...off. I don't remember what happened after that thought because I was in too much pain. Then I woke up.

My husband left me for a much

My husband left me for a much younger woman, I threw his belongings out on the lawn and coated them with peanut butter because he is allergic to it

I was wearing a light sky blue

I was wearing a light sky blue coat but was interested more in some heavy winter coats which were kept hanging there.

In my dream I saw that my

In my dream I saw that my crush was chasing me and when he finally caught up he gave me a hug and the other part was when I asked him for his coat and he said he'll give it to me later and when I started walking away he followed me and gave me his coat

I was visiting my ex boyfriend at

I was visiting my ex boyfriend at his workplace and i was wearing a read coat. i was indifferent and just about to leave his office when i woke up