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I dreamt of kombucha. I started getting

I dreamt of kombucha. I started getting curious as to how kombucha gets fizzy, and a guy that I had liked but nothing ever happened with, well I wanted to ask him. I haven't talked to him in ages,k and keep thinking about it, even if I know we left on good terms and that I'm just wondering something fundamentally stupid. But anyway, I started asking everyone about the kombucha, and they all thought I was dumb, so I worked up the nerve to text him, and he replied about some acidic thing that I eventually understood. I kept going in and out of rooms, and it felt like his lack of attraction to me physically hurt, like I was physically in pain from him not understanding that I just wanted him to kjiss me. I told him that, I asked him if he wanted it too, and I honestly can only remember that this was because my best friend did it. Actrually she texted him that he tried to kiss me and I wasn't sure he was into it, and so he shouldn['t try again (even though I wanted him to desperately), and so I texted him that and he replied, he was kind about it, but then I saw one of my best friends cheating on her boyfriend (although they had broken up) with him, and it was quite strange but yeah.

Dreamed there was big shortage of adrenochrome

Dreamed there was big shortage of adrenochrome and everyone panicking but somehow I was the only one who still had a supply. I had a big vault full of the pure stuff and that made me very powerful. All kinds of women were offering themselves to me for mere crumbs of the sacrament. I woke up very aroused and craving my morning dose.

So last night I dreamt I was

So last night I dreamt I was with my partner who is split gender, who goes by Anna, apparently I develop feelings for her and we kinda hang out/coworkers. Well in front of everyone, you, my family, and other friends this girl walks up and said she was Anna's fiancé. I was so heartbroken I woke up sobbing. After I calmed my self down and went back to sleep. The dream continue I ran to my hotel room, apparently we were staying at a hotel, lock myself self in went to my bed and just sobbed. Then she came in apparently had the key too. She told me it was all a lie that the girl was stalking her and that she loved me. I asked her over and over was that the truth or did just felt bad for me. She said it was the truth. But the I was afraid that we couldn't be together because in society she consider a female even though she has male parts on the bottom, and my Dad wouldn't accept, but she tells me my dad gave her his blessings, because she told she was really supposed to be born a guy. Then the alarm goes off.

Hamsters ready in lubricated tubes. The congregation

Hamsters ready in lubricated tubes. The congregation bent over and spread. Just as the priest is ready to begin the ceremony we are raided by PETA and everyone runs with their pants around ankles. Hamsters loose underfoot. Really scary.