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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I dreamt of being in a boat

I dreamt of being in a boat with a guy and a few other people. The water was clear and calm, he seemed nervous around me, put his arm behind me and I looked at him in the corner of my eye. In the next second he was sitting near someone else and refused to look at me, I rolled my eyes and focused on the water again

That my ex boyfriend wanted me to

That my ex boyfriend wanted me to give the relationship another chance but I refused and when I looked in his bag he had a gag, leather trunks and whips for gay sex. He also had a random walkie talkie

That my ex boyfriend wanted me to

That my ex boyfriend wanted me to give the relationship another chance but I refused and when I looked in his bag he had a gag, leather trunks and whips and admitted to being a gay prostitute. He also had a random walkie talkie

That my ex boyfriend wanted me back

That my ex boyfriend wanted me back but I refused and when I looked in his bag he had a gag, leather trunks and whips and admitted to being a gay prostitute. He also had a random walkie talkie