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I dreamt that I was going on

I dreamt that I was going on vacation to Atlantic city and I talked to a coworker beforehand. I was going with a group of single coworkers and anticipated it would be fun. When I got there the coworkers disappeared and while looking for them I discovered my aunt was there, invited to the same trip I was on and same hotel. At first I didn't understand why she was there but I couldn't find my coworker friends and she needed my help finding someone who tried to spy on her in her room. The hotel was huge and we walked to the other side, and I was glad she came because she was a cool aunt. When we got to the other side I immediately saw a group of Lincoln ladies sitting at a table for a meeting. Sandy went up to say hello and apparently didn't have a problem. I first noticed Mrs Leigh was not there and wondered if something happened to her since I had no talked to anyone from Lincoln in many years. I went up to say hi and they either gave me snubs or a handshake without looking at me or acknowledging me, and that was Mrs Fogan. I saw that Sandy disappeared and nod had to look for her too (on top of the coworkers). I discovered that I was now in UB North Campus, which explained why the Lincoln Ladies were there and where they meet. I began to walk back to the beginning part of the hotel, which was part UB Campus. On the way I wanted to use the bathroom but they weren't cleaned by the part time university student staff yet. One bathroom was sealed off as hazardous. When I got to the other side of the hotelthere a second bus load of coworkers got off, but this group were families and they immediately started to chat and eat dinner, but I though they would be less fun and wanted to cut it short to search for friends/family without seeming too short. I told my coworker and his wife, also my coworker that I would be back and left my phone and other essentials at the table to show I was coming back. I then went down a long corridor ended up having to park a car by remote and got a call from Rodney at the same time. The police were watching me park the car and I noticed I was now on the street in Philadelphia. It was hard to manage the call, which was on my Apple Watch since I left my phone at the table, because of the parking and trying to avoid getting a police ticket.

I had my own house, my best

I had my own house, my best friend and his girlfriend just got back from a vacation they were going on for their one year anniversary. I go to hang out with my best friend, but he's not there. Instead his girlfriend is and she is coming on to me really strong, we end up having sex in the shower. In the middle of it she says "I love you" and I look at her, and say "I once loved you, but now I hate you" and I left immediately and headed back home where my best friend was waiting for me with tequila and cotton candy

You decide you're going to throw a

You decide you're going to throw a little party at your house like a BBQ and you invite all your friends and some coworkers. Its a big get together between your friends and lizs. Anyways, its a good party and everyone is having fun. As the afternoon goes on however I start to come to the conclusion im the black sheep and the butt of all your friends jokes, im talking immediate friends not coworkers, so I play along and play nice tell one of them calls me an Ignoramus because of my opinion on the laws involving merry-Jane. So a few of these people start coming after me and the conversation seems to turn hostile. Well I turn for support from you and you have completely sided with these folks and have all agreed im just an idiot who knows nothing and is obviously half way retarded. Well im pretty peeved but then it gets really personal because in my dream you state "well guys dont be to harsh, he is not as educated as us after all and what he is getting his degree in is basically a glorified P.E teacher". I was so so pissed in my dream I told you to suck a dick and when I was leaving everyone was like yeah you're right Rochelle and he is so dumb he can only react with aggression because he has no other emotions he can understand.

I walked into my house after getting

I walked into my house after getting a special invitation from my teacher to participate in a writing contest. After I walked in, the news immediately came on and talked about a guy using a little puppy as a body bag my removing all of its bones and using the bones as a pillow. Freaked out by this, I went to my room and saw a video game version of "Wheel of Fortune" on my bed. I shrugged and put it into my console. After the game loaded up I saw a wheel with one half consisting of buzz saws and the other half consisting of sharks. There were boarders separating them. The boarders then broke and a bunch of blood filled up the wheel until I woke up.

I was in an office of a

I was in an office of a professor and it was surrounded by glass and overlooked a large body of water. While the professor, my boyfriend, and I were talking out of no where a chunk of of an airplane fell out of the sky while it was on fire and people were falling out. My boyfriend started to call 911 but the professor (who is also our boss) said to hang up and we both stared at her in confusion but listened anyway. A second chunk of the plane while also on fire fell out of the sky and I started to panic and it became very apparent in my face. She told me "penelope wait-then let it all come in" and so I took a deep breath and I let it out very slowly and I felt calm I felt reassured. I kissed my boyfriend and right after that the other chunks of the plane fell out of the sky all on fire. That is when we all started to look for a way out through the window. The professor immediately, right after i opened my eyes grabbed a chair and smashed it against the window. We tried with another chair to break it but it would not. At some point we broke the window and jumped out into the body of water to try to escape we heard screams and rhe police was showing up in big groupd while things falling apart. People said it was a terrorist attack. Then after people were saved we entered the waiting room and everyone stared at us mad questioning why we didn't call the police when it first happened and why it took so long for us to call them. They were all really mad and said that maybe we were part of it but they were specifically looking at me a lot. I was so nervous and angry because it had been so traumatizing that I couldn't believe they would think that. I tried to talk about it with my friend and she had to leave while we were in some sort of hallway with a tv and the TV was so loud that as she left there was a room in that hallway and a man was very mad at the volume level it was on so he screamed at us to turn it down but his voice was so rough that it sounded like it was the airplane falling again and I started to panic but realized he was just scolding us and I took a deep breath to calm down. I saw my other friend and asked her if she was okay and she tried to make me laugh as she always tries but she could tell i was in a lot of pain and she told me she'd take me out of dinner since we couldn't eat in the dorm they were still picking up the pieces. I was then in the computer lab trying to talk to my friends and telling them that my boyfriend did call 911 and everything that happened. I asked my best friend if she thought I should tell my mother what had happened but she said no and so I looked at the clock and it was 11pm and I was trying to decide if I should call my cousin who I'm really close to to tell her. I felt so shocked I couldn't believe I had been through something so awful and I felt like the memory was all inside my heart and I could not stop thinking about it. I decided it was too late to call but was desperate for someone to talk to.

I dreamt that my fiancé dyed my

I dreamt that my fiancé dyed my hair pink while I was sleeping and for some reason I got really upset when I woke up in the dream. I was mad but like a mad sad feeling because I started to attack him. I remember I would grab his face an repeatedly hit his head against the wall while yelling "I hate you!"...I started crying when I was doing that, looking at his face while I was doing that broke my heart. An then he ran out the door outside, in the dream I felt sad when he ran out the door. An I wasn't even mad at that point, so I ran out the door after him. My mom tried to tell me to stay inside, but I wouldn't. When I went after him he tried to run faster an even tried to hide around the corner to lose me. But I knew where he was and stopped him. I just remember falling to the ground wanting him to forgive my actions. Instead of telling I love him. I just let him go, i didn't want him to leave.. but I couldn't seem to get myself to say don't leave. I woke up immediately after, an I couldn't stop crying after i woke up

My dream started in the woods behind

My dream started in the woods behind my old house, the house I grew up in. I was walking beside the creek that runs through our property when a little girl came up from behind me. Her features were muddled, except her long blonde hair and hazel eyes. For some reason, I knew I needed to take her hand and walk her to someone or something, so I smiled at her and did so. As we walked, we finally saw figures on top of a small hill, all dressed in white. I immediately knew that this was where I was supposed to take the girl. I didn't recognize any of the people - there were about 6 or 7 of them - except for one: the Pope. The Pope gestured for me to take a seat beside him and I did as the others took the little girl from me. I didn't see where they took her. The Pope and I sat and ate something - I can't remember what we were eating. We didn't speak or even really look at each other. When we were done eating, I turned around and found that I'd been turned back into a child and I was standing on a staircase that led upward. I began walking up the stairs and the scenery began to change. Instead of going up into the air, I was emerging from beneath the ground right next to the front porch of the home I grew up in. I suddenly heard screaming and looked up to find that the sky had turned green. I knew immediately that a tornado was coming and that's what had people screaming. The screaming got closer and then one of my old friends from high school appeared on the porch. He fell over the railing and into the hole I'd emerged from. The stairs were gone, so I didn't know how I was going to get him out. The wind began to pick up and whistle and I knew I needed to find shelter quickly, but I couldn't bring myself to leave my friend. I found part of an arbor that had fallen down and used it to try to get my friend. Just as he grabbed the other end of the arbor, I woke up.

I had a dream where I was

I had a dream where I was at a restaurant with my parents, and there was extremely loud music that seemed to have bothered everybody. Aside from that, I had looked outside and noticed a group of small schoolchildren, not toddlers, but, big enough to understand the difference between right and wrong. I saw that they were lighting trees on fire, and I had immediately rushed to put them out. I then looked over, and saw a smaller group of kids go with one tall boy that held a gas canister. The children ran away screaming, and I ran over to examine the scene. I couldn't see a fire, but, I saw a traffic cone there, surrounded by police tape. I lifted the cone up, and underneath, was a cup of water. I saw the tall figure, and quickly became annoyed by him. I tried to splash him with my bucket of water, but, then I realized that it was gasoline. I also shouted how if he messes up in any form, he would be set ablaze. I saw that he had a smart fire already growing on his blue shirt, and he tried to remove it. I turned away from it and heard an agonizing scream. Which then afterwards, I received a text message that said he would need healing because, "his skin was melted off." Eventually, I remember being in a cramped hotel room, trying to escape something that was knocking at my door. I sluggishly ran towards a few doors, closing them behind me, and hiding inside of a closed closet.

Bumped into a friend (girl) and we

Bumped into a friend (girl) and we immediately held hands, turned around and walked together. Dream ended with us still holding hands and walking.

I was at a party when Katie's

I was at a party when Katie's mom called me from Katie's phone and told me I had to go to the hospital immediately.It turns out Katie was in labor and she had a baby boy. The baby did not belong to her boyfriend and she refused to tell me who the father was. I tried to convince her to get rid of it but she didn't want to because the baby was adorable.