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I dreamt of my baby who was

I dreamt of my baby who was born a stillborn..first thing i remember was seeing a brightness almost as if it was the sun... this brightness was so bright it seemed white.. then i realized that, that brightness was the clear blue sky... it was so beautiful.. i looked to see where I was n what am I gonna see next. As I look around From the sky down.. what I noticed was what seemed like broken pieces or a shattered mirrors scattered all over.. then realizing it's the ocean.. the brightness would reflect n make it sparkle like glitter... as i began to look back up towards the sky so bright n clear i see a figure standing among some clouds, wearing white robe with looked like a golden rope around his waist and i knew it was Jesus himself...but then i noticed a golden yellow aurora like light of rays shooting out from Jesus... seemed to be the sun... he was looking down at something with his arms spread wide open smiling... as if to be saying "this is what is waiting for you soon" so i look at what he's looking at n first thing i noticed was my grandfather charlie, my grandmother mary, my uncle luther, my brother alan,my ex boyfriends father Michael and a baby wrapped in a blue blanket with a white Beanie cap on his head. The crazy thing is all of these people i know n i was close too and they all have passed on n are gone now.. the people are my relations. They were all looking towards Michael happily smiling n interacting or playing with something or someone i look to see what they were so happy to see n and in Michael's arms he was holding and rocking a baby in blue blanket. He was bouncing baby n talking to him. In an instant I knew in my heart that's my baby. I was over come with so much joy and happiness.. my baby was perfectly healthy as can be. Michael is the babys grandpa n the baby is his first grandson he was just so proud. I then woke up crying not sad but happy

Je suis dans une rue,JESUS a besoin

Je suis dans une rue,JESUS a besoin de moi je ne veux pas partir sans elle(?)je ne sais pas qui est :elle. je vois une fille espagnole dans une grande maison qui m attend pour partir mes bagages sont dans la rue mon taxi arrive pas et ils commencent à partir . le père la mère et la fille sont à la fenetre pour voir si j arrive ?

Je suis dans une rue,on me parle

Je suis dans une rue,on me parle de famine ds un pays où JESUS a besoin de moi je ne veux pas partir sans elle(?)je ne sais pas qui est :elle. je vois une fille espagnole dans une grande maison qui m attend pour partir mes bagages sont dans la rue mon taxi arrive pas et ils commencent à partir . le père la mère et la fille sont à la fenetre pour voir si j arrive ?

Jesus walked up to me, it seems

Jesus walked up to me, it seems like i was in a desert, and jesus told me, you dont remember me? i gave you back your life? i never answered. He said it again. Then someone else walked up to jesus and said we will take him, and he said no

I was in a town I used

I was in a town I used to live in. I met up with my ex and his friends. We were going to another town for the day. I told my ex before we left that I was pregnant and it was his child even though we had not had sex. We were at a restaurant in the other town and I needed to go to the bathroom to change my tampon. I was shown to an old stable where the stable stalls were converted to bathroom stalls. I was trying to take care of business when I needed to find another stall because the door would not lock. As I was looking for another stall, little baby animals (baby rabbits) began running around very fast and began coming at my feet. I left the stable to find the lady who lived in the trailer behind and attached to the restaurant. I knocked on her door and explained what was going on with the baby animals so she came out to see for herself. As we approached the stable the baby animals were coming at my feet again so she could see what the animals were doing. She said I could use the bathroom in her home. As we were heading back to her home my ex approached me and said we need to talk. I knew it was about me being pregnant and I thought he would argue with me about it not being his because we did not have sex and I hadn't had sex. Instead he said we need to get married because of the baby. He did not argue about the baby being his. As we approached the steps to the trailer two kids were coming up on a bike and skateboard. The kids followed the lady and I up the stairs to the trailer. One of the kids made a comment about me being pregnant and said something about a name and said some numbers and that he is coming. I was asking him for clarification of what he was saying. The other kid put his hand on my stomach and said "Don't you know? He comes from Isaiah. He comes from Isaiah 11. I had never read the book so I did not know what he was talking about. I asked the lady if she had a bible I could use to look up what the kid had said. Once inside she directed me to the room by the door. I notice a child safety gate was up to keep the black cat in, which I found puzzling because any competent cat could just jump over. I made my way into the room and found an old bible on a stack of books. I began looking through the book to find chapter 11 of Isaiah. As I found the page to Isaiah 11 and began to fully open the bible, the pages began to fly out of the bible and were all over the floor. I began looking through the pages to find Isaiah 11. There were too many pages so I looked for a newer bible. I found one and I opened up the bible to the page where Isaiah 11 was found. When I found the correct page I woke up. I looed up Isaiah 11 as soon as I woke up. It is a reference to the coming birth of Jesus Christ.