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My ex girlfriend running away from me

My ex girlfriend running away from me the moment she saw me I tried to catch her bcs I wanted to talk her but she kept running until she vanished I had this dream twice in the same night ps: I had this dream after she dumped me and went for another guy.

I was on a very large ship

I was on a very large ship with family and friends. I was asking my stepdaughter how she was feeling (she had a miscarriage days ago) she said I had a clunky watch. I said what do you mean? And she said it’s when you wear a watch that’s too big and it’s backwards. I looked down and it was. I don’t normally wear a watch. Then, we’re all trying to get seats to watch a show and I fell overboard. Not even sure who noticed, but the ocean was incredibly deep and dark blue and I kept going further down. I was afraid of not being able to get back to the surface because of the depth and that the ship was getting so much further away. Then I woke.

In my dream they invented a synthetic

In my dream they invented a synthetic substitute for adrenochrome and we no longer NEEDED to harvest pineal glands in order to survive but many people found they simply LIKED harvesting fresh glands and kept doing it.

I dreamt where my friend asked me

I dreamt where my friend asked me to buy recharge card cost of800naira but I later bought the one of700naira. Also I bought two bags of sachets pure water, kept it in the store I bought. Rather I took two sachets, then drank one. Before I woke up.

I was looking for my girlfriend, I

I was looking for my girlfriend, I entered a high rise set of flats, every room i looked there were two women, both looking like sex workers but really scared and down on their luck, they each told me about these men that were keeping them there and making them do things, none of them could leave. I kept going door to door telling them id help them and... Thats when it turned into something like a horror film. the men came and it was just me walking down the stairs, past each of them, let on to the first few big men but as i got maybe 6 people deep, they all turned their headas at once and looked directly am me...

I had to exact same dreams about

I had to exact same dreams about being chased around the house by an ex-boyfriend I was terrified but I kept making myself safe just in time before he would get through the door or the window I was safe and he wanted to kill me so bad

I was in a class room and

I was in a class room and my teacher kept asking me if I had something for feet and I had a paper that did anything I wanted to do and she asked me if I wanted a foot job I said yes

I was in a class room and

I was in a class room and my teacher kept asking me if I had something for feet and I touched them to get extra credit