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My wife had an extra set of

My wife had an extra set of legs and a penis hidden that I didn't know about I found out and it was very upsetting then I was on a bridge where people were sharing problems in relationships a woman shared with us then I told her about my wife then there was a big dinner table with lots of us were sat at a man befriended me and we went out on the piss.

Woke up smelling chlorine. Fell into a

Woke up smelling chlorine. Fell into a very light sleep and dreamed of an old man approaching me as if interviewing him. He had terrible teeth, sunken eyes and was WAY too skinny. Almost wasting away. He accosted me with words, of sorts. Then I flashed to a view of his legs stuck in mud, with no body. Just decomposing legs.

It was me which im a female,

It was me which im a female, AMD my son beating up my boyfriend which itsmy son dad. And we craked his head over a little. I had stop and seen that he had scratches on hi head, so I told my son to stop hitting him. My boyfriend was still alive. So me and my son where living when his dad grab my son by his legs and told my son do not leave me. My son left I went back in side when some girl walks in whit a baby saying it was my boyfriend and her baby it was a baby boy. so I grab the girl and start beating her up and I also cracked her head open. And I grab the baby and said that's my baby and grabbed the babyboy of her arms and when I grabbed the babyboy he through up on me. and I was outside the house I thought but this is not my baby this is boyfriend and that girls baby. So I went back inside and handle that girl her baby back. On my way out the door that girl comes out of the room and said is the baby my responsibility and my boyfriend mom said, yes he is and I said the same to that girl

I'm lost sometimes alone sometimes with other

I'm lost sometimes alone sometimes with other people in a place I'm not sure of but I seem to know my way around. The place is always dark, gross, and abandoned looking. Bloody and rusty rooms and everything is trashed. I normally have a flashlight because everything is dark. There are disfigured monsters always chasing after me, some are different from others, some are slow, fast, so look more disfigured than others with rotting flesh and very bloody. Most don't have faces just lumps of flesh with arms and legs. The place I am in I can never escape. I seem to run around hopelessly. When there is someone with me they always try to find a way out but fails.

I wake and look at the alarm.The

I wake and look at the alarm.The time 3:44.The numbers go from flat lcd to three d tubular.The rest of the clock radio disappears.A woman's legs appear floral dress cut below the knees.The numbers located between the legs at ankle hieight.Saw this for a few seconds before fading back to the clock radio again.The time was the time though in the afternoon of the death of a child of a very special person whom I am involved with again who died in 1998.

I'm crying and run to fetch a

I'm crying and run to fetch a train. When i found my seat, i sat there with my oversized t-shirt and shorts hugging both of my legs. That coach is very dark and isolated. Until one stranger guy came sat next to me and gave his shoulder for me to cry. Surprisingly i kept calm and relaxed. I felt safe and i know somehow he might be my true future love. But he kept came again every year in my dreams since 7 years ago.

It was a sunny day and I

It was a sunny day and I was walking my dog down a rural road when suddenly he was struggling to keep pace. Before I knew it my dog was falling apart. He had lost his front paw and back two legs and whining in agony. I had run back and forth on the road and had found his missing limbs but it was too late. My dog had lost too many body parts and was now dead.

I was talking to this guy who

I was talking to this guy who I met 9 months ago, and we were really close. It was in the chip shop, and as we were leaving (because I met this guy on holiday, he was one of the entertainers) he began to cry. So I ran out of the car and hugged him in which he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He put me down and told me he didn't want me to leave him again. He then told me that we was going to go on holiday that night to Mexico. Just me and him. He then whispered in my ear 'and we will be married tonight'. It then time jumped to my house and we were packing my bags. Half way through he proposed to me. I said no because I was too young anyway and he cried. I explained to him that I loved him and we went to Mexico.