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Woke up and sitting at table eating

Woke up and sitting at table eating breakfast when my mom asks me to get a pen for her, as I am looking, the doorbell rings. Answer the door and sister's friend walks in, asking me if I want to talk to one of my friends, and I'm like, no. Suddenly I'm in some other place, with a group of people I know, including that friend that my sister's friend asked about. Then we're in this house with a groundskeeper/i don't even know, and he doesn't seem to speak english, and we go to a school, but it's not our high school. And then we're back in the house and I'm playing with a cat and it jumps on me and starts pooping on me. And I get up, but all my friends are gone. And I clean the shirt, and go downstairs but the house is suddenly my own house and the groundskeeper is there and he can understand english and I ask him to drive me to the school. So says he will, and goes to get his car and I run upstairs to get my phone. When I get back, I walk outside (which is the outside of my house) and he's gone and then his car flies over a few houses and lands in front of me and I get in. Then I woke up.