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A white void with 6 or 5

A white void with 6 or 5 pure black figure in different shape and sizes walking up on white pillars, while in the distance a rainbow like figure is looking at me.

I was dream this woman was looking

I was dream this woman was looking at a drainage gutter and there were worms coming down with a flow of water then from there I was inside the building which was made out of brick and there was flooding going on and the water was rising and at the top there was a window opening and the other lady gave me a bust to reach the window and I am holding on but the water busted the walls and I was still holding on to the window but was washed away by the flood water

I was at an eclectic theme park

I was at an eclectic theme park of sorts with some friends. We went on some rides. One of them was a roller coaster that turned into a spinning ride. After that, I played a slot machine and won a ticket for a free wish. When I went to make the wish, I had to go into a closet in the dark and light a candle. I made the wish to transition to male successfully. There was an old ouija board in the closet. After I made the wish, the minor Greek god(?) Charon gave me a knife sent me on four quests. Charon accompanied me along the way as a thin aura shaped like a human. The first quest was to ride another roller coaster. That was easy enough, but the problem was that the ride operator forgot to do the restraints. I did them just as the ride went over the hill. Deciding that I passed the quest, Charon sent me to do the second quest. The second quest was to go into a woman's wardrobe and steal a hair clip. I had to slip in unannounced and look in her memories, which took place in the Fanboy and Chum Chum universe. One of them was her finding out that one of her male friends, Kyle, was pregnant. Kyle was trans and stealth. I decides to to help Kyle face his fear of heights by helping him discover that he could fly. After that, I had to duel with a younger male version of myself. He was around 9-10 years old. At first, I killed him with the knife, but Charon was disappointed in me when I did that. I then learned that I had to subdue him by trying him down and letting Athena do the rest. I had to ask Charon for assistance to complete this task, but I succeeded. I woke up before I could complete the fourth quest. I wanted to do the fourth quest

Me and my boyfriend suddenly meet each

Me and my boyfriend suddenly meet each other at someone's wedding and we sit next to each other only and our families get worried but we still sit next to each other. Suddenly it starts raining and the hotel pipelines burst leading to flood.

I was in a zombie apocalypse. I

I was in a zombie apocalypse. I lived on an island. I lived in a couple different small remote houses and we would let the zombie parades go by our house. We would wait for every zombie on the island to go by our house for the day. It was like a scheduled event. My brother and his wife (who is pregnant in real life) were gorilla wranglers. One day, I drove from one end of the island to the other to see my parents. While I was staying at their house (the house I live in real life at 22 years old), a couple zombies started banging on the front door. We ran inside while my father went to dispose of them. I realized there were 2 more at the back door. My mother went out back to handle them. She stabbed the first one in the brain and proceeded to do the same with the second. Only it just dropped the second one for a minute. The second zombie appeared to be just slightly fazed by it. Watching from the inside, I saw a third zombie attack my mother from behind while she was wondering how this second zombie could still be "alive." I ran outside to help but it was too late and the third zombie was eating my mother's brains. I killed it. The second zombie was still alive so I tried stabbing it in the head but when I did, it's skull was filled water and was translucent. She just looked up at me and laughed. I felt cheated and that it was not worth caring about because it's impossible to kill this zombie.

I dreamt that there was a man

I dreamt that there was a man in a black gimp suit who would control the brains of people while they were asleep in a victorian hotel unless they were dreaming about the red suit gimp. We were told the we had to evacuate the hotel and my friend grabbed some of my belongings and met me in a wal-mart esc parking lot, while my dad was inside grabbing the rest of my stuff. But he stopped for barbeque in the kitchen and the black suit gimp took over him. And then the hotel caught on fire.

Dreamt of fetching rain water into jerry

Dreamt of fetching rain water into jerry cans from a gutter pipes on a house immediately it had stopped raining and later helped others also fetch water

Rainbow Dash and Applejack in horrible sex

Rainbow Dash and Applejack in horrible sex scandal. Giant protests demanding they be prosecuted. Moms Against Ponys marches every day for weeks. Then the public seemed to forget.