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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I was travelling by air to england.

I was travelling by air to england. there i find a beautiful garden which is lush green, the weather is partly cloudy. i later find myself near a waterfall but there somebody is trying to kill me and i run away from him in that beautiful valley.

See my nearly 5 year old son

See my nearly 5 year old son vanish everytime he steps into water weather its the pool we are going to next week or the bath or even a puddle. I cant get to him to save him he sinks more everytime I try. I wake up in tears but everytime I go back to sleep I have the same dream but in a difference place but with the same ending

Being hostage in a room and my

Being hostage in a room and my boyfriend saves me from jumping through the window when the snakes were coming in the room and we escape and its cold weather outside with white snow everywhere and trees in the woods

I am in a place with houses

I am in a place with houses and people around, then the weather get bad and they know about this. I then see the weather, high winds, water and fire....I cant believe what I see but I don't necessarily feel afraid. Then I find myself kissing a man, later in the dream I hear my little boys calling for me when then next storm comes and I hear someone saying to hold on to anything...I do feel afraid when the storm is coming ...

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was at my old school today and had my last year teachers. I was not supposed to go there. I would go to class and all. I would lie and hide why the teachers wouldn't know I was not supposed to be there. Whenever I left one class I saw fights and all. I hung out with my friends. When I got on the school bus, my friend sat beside me. On the way home, the roads were bad and weather. Whenever the bus got to my street the bus driver asked me to help a someone get into his house and it was an old man. I helped him in and when I went out I heard a crying similar to a baby cry and I had saw that the bus had left me but I went back inside to make sure it was not the old man and when I saw him, he was sitting in the kitchen at a table. I asked if he had been crying and he held up his hand that had a ring on it. I went outside and it was raining so I put a jacket over my head and I had a short jacket on already. Before I started walking down the road a light blue van passed. As I was walking down the street to go home, it stopped raining. I ended up walking back into a classroom. I saw my sister and my friend friend. I sat down beside my friend and she told me that my other friend had this word search yesterday. I looked down and I saw a word search on my desk with my name on it. I fount one word. Then the dream ended.

I was staying in Katys studio for

I was staying in Katys studio for work in London, but it was a different flat, and I was chilling with a guy and his friend, and I went to the bathroom downstairs. For some reason, all the flats connected to this one bathroom, so I got chatting to the guy downstairs about the weather. When I went back up, I could clearly hear my ex-boyfriends voice, and I was just speechless. He'd come to visit, and he was all smart and dressed up, and he was clearly pissed off that I was hanging out with these guys, and the guys were clearly pissed off about Lloyd. It was weird - they all stormed off and I was left on my own.

I dream a man was cutting leaf

I dream a man was cutting leaf from a branch and i was asking weather he could give it to me to plant it.