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My dream was about some sort of

My dream was about some sort of plague or apocalpyse that had changed society as we know it. I can remember 4 parts of the dream 1. My group is staying in an abandoned house. I have a small backpack of stuff, and I'm packing it up while talking with other people in my group 2. My group is at a large cave. I see a little kid try to commit suicide by drinking detergent. This is the second time he's tried to do this. I stop him before he swallows more than a mouthful. I go out of the cave and see the group's doctor sitting at a white folding table. She is talking to a girl about how just because there's a lot of sickness doesn't mean she can give out free tissues. I ask the doctor whether I need to do anything else for the boy, and she says no. 3. I'm at a sandstone river gorge on the banks of a river that rushes over big rocks. I am talking with my little sister on the phone, and she says that her group cannot find much water and is rationing what they have and going thirsty. 4. I am in a car with my sister, who has joined my group. We are on a steep mountain road in the dark - maybe the Sawteeth at Yellowstone. A group of motor cycles pass by - only one motorcycle has working lights. I say that in the darkness, a motorcycle could be mistaken for a monster and shot.

I was in the back yard. I

I was in the back yard. I went in the house to get away from some yellow jackets in the back yard. There were two boys playing in the back yard. The all of a sudden wanted to come in the house. They thought it was raining. I looked, and there was a cloud of ash. It was coming towards the house at lightning speed. I knew being in the house would not save us.

I’m up in rafters and it is

I’m up in rafters and it is a building like a church under construction and the child catcher from chatty chity bang bang is coming up Road I try to gel to warn everyone but lose balance and fall before I got I notice told and rolls of yellow carpet