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I Had a dream that my breasts

I Had a dream that my breasts are full with milk as if I'm breastfeeding a baby although I'm not pregnant nor breastfeeding a baby and when I touched the nipples,the milk started rushing out everywhere,flowing everywhere. Please I don't understand

Are Novocaine and Breastfeeding Compatible? Dental work

Are Novocaine and Breastfeeding Compatible? Dental work may be necessary while you are nursing your new baby, so you may want to know if novocaine is safe for breastfeeding. Novocaine is an anesthetic used in dental procedures to numb the area the dentist will be working on. Some tips on how to get pregnant fast

I was breastfeeding my baby & my

I was breastfeeding my baby & my cousin had my baby & her & I dont get along. While I was trying breastfeed my baby she didn't wanna take my breast it was as if I was a stranger to her she cried.

I was breastfeeding my baby & my

I was breastfeeding my baby & my cousin had my baby & her & I dont get along. While I was trying to nurse my baby she didn't wanna take my breast it was as if I was a stranger to her she cried.