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I had a dream about Adrian and

I had a dream about Adrian and I were at Ross or somewhere, he was flirting with one or two people. He took a picture and it looked weird, couldn’t put my finger to it. I had asked him when he approached me, but I felt weirded out. He got so defensive, made a scene and we yelled back and forth at each other. i also made a friend, she was young and a part of me is like im familiar with this girl, i even got her number and honestly girls approached Adrian , telling him bye and i was so pissed. Adrian could tell and he stormed out because he didn’t like what im asking him or accusing him but it’s clearly obvious. he was entertaining all of that, who knows what he does when im not around. I asked god to give me a sign last night, the same way my mom asked god to give her a sign about my dad cheating. was this a little while ago? maybe that’s why he’s having severe back and hip pain, is it karma in a way? He’s deceived me before, more than once. Did acts of cheating and I caught him more than once. what does this all mean?

In my dream my school had to

In my dream my school had to go to the other school and talk for some reason and it was my turn and I didn't know what to talk about so I just started cussing my ex out and saying how he got me in bed then when he was done kicked me out and how he cheated on me and stuff and hoe I knew about all the times and then I apologized to this one girl cause of something I did but then I went to this other girl who used to be my friend but she was a peice of shit an ddid some shitty things and i told her something and then I was telling this guy to break up w his girlfriend and get with me instead and i felt so bad and then i as talking to one of my friends that I found out my ex was cheating on me with before we were friends and i told her that he didnt deserve us an d some other things

Cheating on my boyfriend with somebody I

Cheating on my boyfriend with somebody I wanted to be with. Hiding it from my family. Arguments with the new man about how I handle the situation.