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I dreamt I was passing through my

I dreamt I was passing through my street and I saw a dog in each corner I was passing, one was white and one was black, I was scared of the dogs

Someone trying to misbehave me by putting

Someone trying to misbehave me by putting hands on shoulder. Lots of dogs running behind me and group of people. Lot of theifs are also running behind and we beat them and there is also an idol of goddess at this area

I was in a dog race along

I was in a dog race along with my crush. The dog was very happy. After we won the game, I was seen running around my school playground with my old classmate (whom I consider as my own brother)he was very happy. After that I saw my cousin elder brother, his wife and his 1 year old daughter with their 3 fluffy pet dogs (they do not have dogs in real life) which loved me and my mother a lot. (My mom does not like dogs in her hands) me and my mother were holding one puppy (a bit too big to be called puppies) each and was caressing them

Having a nap, dogs woke me up,

Having a nap, dogs woke me up, need clothes (recurring theme) ask mom to watch dogs, offer to give little sister a ride to mall, pass Dad who said he couldn't walk when he woke from nap, tried to go down stairs but pieces missingwent out the back doo r instead of the gate

The scene was my grandma's house, three

The scene was my grandma's house, three dogs I saw them sneaking behind the front yard door, when i opened the door they get inside and attack my cats inside the house, and I couldn't kick them out easily, at the end I catched one of my cats and I thought it was one of the dogs and carry her to throw it out the house and when I realized it was one of my cats and i turned back i saw a foreign man lying on the couch and one of the dogs on his chest, the dogs stop doing trouble and been quite

So I was in my regular neighborhood

So I was in my regular neighborhood but we were in London and right next to Disney world so me and my friend found this baby wolf but it looked bigger than a baby so any way we pet it then these to other dogs started chasing us so we ran into my house closed the door and eventually the dogs left then my friend was tired so she went home then I met this boy that I had a crush on but he never told me his name any way he asked if he wanted me to go on the roller coaster with him but I was to scared so then I saw the horse I normally ride in our neighborhood and they were like doing little rides any way I already new how to ride so I got on the horse but then there were all these rules so I decided to get off then I went back to where the boy was waiting for me and there were these small baby dolls in boxes and it said mother and father bathing then it had like this address to a church but anyway I somehow got on of the dolls out of the box and it started talking so I tried to put it back but it kept coming back to me finally this lady come up to me and says do you want that doll to be gone and I said yes so she said ok but in a month you will have to move out of London so I said ok so she may the doll disappear and then I went up to the boy and said pinky promise something and he said that you’ll go on the roller coaster with me then I said no that we will spend as much time together as possible then he smiled and we went on the roller coaster