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I crawled with friends over a broken

I crawled with friends over a broken road to university but ended up in a shopping mall where i bought a lot of chocolat for An ex- girlfriend and came to late for college

I was at the train station and

I was at the train station and got on a really weird looking train. At first I was looking for a place to sit and eventually I found one. Then in the distance I saw my two friends from university but I was kind of sleepy but still got up and went to them. We were talking and then at one stop one of them went somewhere and I was alone with the other one. And we carried on the journey together.

I dreamt that i got into my

I dreamt that i got into my dream university for grad school. I joined the university and make friends, however, after 2 months I voluntarily drop out from the university and go back to my old university.

I had a dream that when I

I had a dream that when I opened my eyes, I was standing in a great University. It had high ceilings and lots of staircases. Suddenly I felt tingling in my mouth and felt that my teeth have fallen off. I spit in the bathroom sink and found that grains of rice covered in blood came from my spit, and I had no teeth. Then I woke up!

A girl and boy from university tried

A girl and boy from university tried to kidnap me. I was running and they were chasing me. When the boy in effort to catch me did something inappropriate

I relocated with my family to a

I relocated with my family to a university hostel room very dirty, then saw a lizard playing in the room but did not touch my body.


HAVING A LIFE @FULLSAILUNIVERSITY CASH IN HAND FOR MY ROYALTIES @MICROSOFT YOU OWE ME ALOT WITH HOUSE OF GUCCI CNBTN FIXES MY BANK ACCOUNT WITH THE WORLD BANKING SYSTEM WITH GUCCI THE HOUSE OF DREW. SEMENANCY IS DESTROYING THE WORLD. NWO/CABAL/ILLUMINATI Sudden loss of money. Preservation of resources. Sudden loss of money. To see vacant tellers, foretells business losses. Giving out gold money, denotes carelessness; receiving it, great gain and prosperity. To see silver and bank-notes accumulated, increase of honor and fortune. Nothing can stop what is coming.