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ChatGPT 3.5 User Tell me what my

ChatGPT 3.5 User Tell me what my dream might mean I recently graduated with my Bachelor of Laws degree, however, I am struggling to find employment, I obtained 10 distinctions during my LLB I am a South African citizen I would like to further my studies to do my Masters degree, however, I don't have funds so my plan is to save money once I get a job Last year, I dreamt eating with the President of the Republic of South Africa So I think this was a sign I should apply for governmental employment vacancies? I would've loved to be an Attorney however I will take any job that arises

I had a dream where it showed

I had a dream where it showed that a very important decision of my life has been not happening due to small shoe size of my loved one. As soon as I give him appropriate size shoe, the decision will come into effect immediately. What does that mean?

I had a dream that my boyfriend

I had a dream that my boyfriend got injured badly and I was in a hospital with him . My family was there too trying to cal me down and telling my that everything will be fine because I was crying a lot . I was in a hospital room with him and he was on a wheelchair and had his leg in a cast and something more to it it was like metal because he couldn’t move with it at all . I told him that everything will be fine soon not to worry about it . My parents took me and him to his house because someone had to stay and look after him and said that I should stay they that it’s oki . Before I could stay at his house I had to sign some paper that a post man was carrying as it had to be known how many people were staying in his house and then we when in normally and my family left after .

Okay so this was a crazy dream

Okay so this was a crazy dream so i dont really know the setting but I know I was laying down and ny friend was there too but with us was this teacher very hot I don't know who he was but he was very very tall he had abit of a beard and glasses he was 20 and I am 18 , so he was laying between me and my friends and we were basically fighting for his attention so he turned to her and she just kept talking and talking eventually he turned to me and we had a moment we just looked into eachothers eyes , I then ran my fingers down his body. We then all stood up and I told my friend we must go but I waited for her to leave so I could be alone with him, he was sitting down and I got on his lap and he grabbed me and we kissed he then stood up and told me how will this relationship even work and I got up took my pantie and used it as a blindfold on him and I told him no one has to know then we fooled around I remember at one point he put me on his lap and wrapped my legs around him and he stood up and let him tell you it felt amazing I can't really remember anything but I know through out my dream we continued sneaking around and we really wanted to be together

Okay so this was a crazy dream

Okay so this was a crazy dream so i dont really know the setting but I know I was laying down and ny friend was there too but with us was this teacher very hot I don't know who he was but he was very very tall he had abit of a beard and glasses he was 20 and I am 18 , so he was laying between me and my friends and we were basically fighting for his attention so he turned to her and she just kept talking and talking eventually he turned to me and we had a moment we just looked into eachothers eyes , I then ran my fingers down his body. We then all stood up and I told my friend we must go but I waited for her to leave so I could be alone with him, he was sitting down and I got on his lap and he grabbed me and we kissed he then stood up and told me how will this relationship even work and I got up took my pantie and used it as a blind fold on him and I told him no one has to know then we fooled around I remember at one point he put me on his lap and wrapped my legs around him and he stood up and let him tell you it felt amazing I can't really remember anything but I know through out my dream we continued sneaking around and we really wanted to be together

I am not offering you SEO, neither

I am not offering you SEO, neither PPC. It's something completely different. Just send me keywords of your interest and I'll give you traffic guarantees on each of them. Let me demonstrate how it works and you will be surprised by the results.

This is one of the most disturbing

This is one of the most disturbing and horrible dream I have ever seen in my life. I'm having a little discussion with my mom.. she was a bit depressed..because she has some money issues.. she was worrying about her money situation and talking with me about that. I actually told her we will see what we can do. My mom is working as a teacher in the dream.she was a teacher in rea life but now retired.but in the dream I saw that she is still working . She has not gone for the job from few days... She is so depressed than what she shows. I realised that Mom is having a critical situation in her mental health. That I have to inform this to my sister or someone in the family... My mom got ready to go to the job.. because she has not gone for the job for like few days she said she must go today..and got ready. But I could see that she don't want to go.but I told her don't stay today too.. you will lose the job as well.. then she left. Then some People came home.. like relatives or my friends..I can't remember. But I know these people really well . We had a little chit chat... And my sister and dad came too... I roughly explained to my sister about mom's situation..we all got distracted by talks. Then suddenly I noticed it's so late... That Mom should come home by now.. then I told everyone about what happened today... I just felt there is something wrong with the situation..then the people agreed to go and search for mom in the school .. because it's too late now. Then we left.. we searched in everywhere. But we couldn't find her... And we asked children who has stayed for late night classes that if they have seen her.. only one child has seen her .... And she told us which classroom.. and we went to look there.. adults told me not to come inside..so I waited outside ..they went to the classroom ..and they came with a very misarable face... They said mom has suicided.. I actually felt like I'm broken in to peices.. I couldn't bear it.. I cried out loud... And one of the people told me she had a letter in her hand. In this letter it says someone of her family like a brother who lives in abroad coming to see her... After this letter came to her hands she has got her depression more worse.. maybe her worry of money has gone worse after she got the letter... Because she can't treat them well because she doesn't have much money. But I understood that this happened because she was not feeling well. She was going through depression. I actually felt so sad and miserable. I cried out loud. I felt like my life is going to be over. How can I be without her.. ? Then I woke up and I realised ...it's a dream.. but still feel awful. Is this dream giving a prophecy or reflecting something of my own life?

I was in my uncle place in

I was in my uncle place in mumbai. Uncle is my mother brother. We were eight members can't remember who but even more people came and used another place they had upstairs but I was worried about dad since he wa not coming inside, the reason I was worried was a group of eight tigers was let loose around our area and suddenly they come to our building and we are all trapped and I cannot find dad and then I hear he left in the auto and when more people were coming to our house I could not find him so I was stressed and tensed. Don't recall the middle but before I woke up I saw that I was on the last floor and a tiger was on the ledge of one of the floors and was trying to get a horse to make his prey and horse was trying to get away from him and then suddenly my night mare come true I am alone at home and the tiger enters through the door, he is breaking all doors but as he comes in the room I am in I get out through the door and lock the room and get out of the house and try to escape but while going two floors down there is another tiger and I am scared as to how how will I escape he is a white tiger and is staring at me as he is about to pounce I run sideways and jump from the building and am hanging by the ledge and then I wake up.