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To dream that you win a victory, foretells that you will successfully resist the attacks of enemies, and will have the love of women for the asking.

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To dream that you are the victim of any scheme, foretells that you will be oppressed and over-powered by your enemies. Your family relations will also be strained. To victimize others, denotes that you will amass wealth dishonorably and prefer illicit relations, to the sorrow of your companions.

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To dream that you are favoring any vice, signifies you are about to endanger your reputation, by letting evil persuasions entice you. If you see others indulging in vice, some ill fortune will engulf the interest of some relative or associate.

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To dream of a vicar, foretells that you will do foolish things while furious with jealousy and envy. For a young woman to dream she marries a vicar, foretells that she will fail to awake reciprocal affection in the man she desires, and will live a spinster, or marry to keep from being one.

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If you are vexed in your dreams, you will find many worries scattered through your early awakening. If you think some person is vexed with you, it is a sign that you will not shortly reconcile some slight misunderstanding.

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To dream of vessels, denotes labor and activity. See Ships and similar words.

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To dream that you have vertigo, foretells you will have loss in domestic happiness, and your affairs will be under gloomy outlooks.

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Vermin crawling in your dreams, signifies sickness and much trouble. If you succeed in ridding yourself of them, you will be fairly successful, but otherwise death may come to you, or your relatives. See Locust.

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To dream of being on a veranda, denotes that you are to be successful in some affair which is giving you anxiety. For a young woman to be with her lover on a veranda, denotes her early and happy marriage. To see an old veranda, denotes the decline of hopes, and disappointment in business and love.

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To dream of a ventriloquist, denotes that some treasonable affair is going to prove detrimental to your interest. If you think yourself one, you will not conduct yourself honorably towards people who trust you. For a young woman to dream she is mystified by the voice of a ventriloquist, foretells that she will be deceived into illicit adventures.

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To dream that you are veneering, denotes that you will systematically deceive your friends, your speculations will be of a misleading nature.

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To see your veins in a dream, insures you against slander, if they are normal. To see them bleeding, denotes that you will have a great sorrow from which there will be no escape. To see them swollen, you will rise hastily to distinction and places of trust.

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To dream of a vault, denotes bereavement and other misfortune. To see a vault for valuables, signifies your fortune will surprise many, as your circumstances will appear to be meagre. To see the doors of a vault open, implies loss and treachery of people whom you trust.

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To dream of the Vatican, signifies unexpected favors will fall within your grasp. You will form the acquaintance of distinguished people, if you see royal personages speaking to the Pope.

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To see a vat in your dreams, foretells anguish and suffering from the hands of cruel persons, into which you have unwittingly fallen.

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To dream of varnishing anything, denotes that you will seek to win distinction by fraudulent means. To see others varnishing, foretells that you are threatened with danger from the endeavor of friends to add to their own possessions.

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vapor bath

To dream of a vapor bath, you will have fretful people for companions, unless you dream of emerging from one, and then you will find that your cares will be temporary.

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To dream that you are sending valentines, foretells that you will lose opportunities of enriching yourself. For a young woman to receive one, denotes that she will marry a weak, but ardent lover against the counsels of her guardians.

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To dream that you are a vagrant, portends poverty and misery. To see vagrants is a sign of contagion invading your community. To give to a vagrant, denotes that your generosity will be applauded.

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To dream of being vaccinated, foretells that your susceptibility to female charms will be played upon to your sorrow. To dream that others are vaccinated, shows you will fail to find contentment where it is sought, and your affairs will suffer decline in consequence. For a young woman to be vaccinated on her leg, foreshadows her undoing through treachery.

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