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Symbols in a dream containing playing

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What is the meaning in a dream of playing


What does it mean to dream of playing the ukulele mean? Last night you dreamed of playing the ukulele. This action was an important part of your dream and now you are trying to find out what it means. Different interpretations are possible for dreaming of playing the ukulele. You want to consider the role you played. You may have felt you couldn't do it, you may have been injured, all of which will impact the reasons why you had this dream. Your unconscious mind expresses itself with the help of dreams and conveys vital information. Your subconscious mind uses dreams to expel certain information. In general, dreaming of playing the ukulele suggests the need to excel. You have to exercise yourself and get out of your comfort zone.Here are the most recurring scenarios that you may face in your ukulele playing dream and their interpretations:Dream of playing ukulele and being good at it You have dreamt of playing ukulele and you are doing very well. You have no problem with this practice and you enjoy it. It is a dream of well-being synonymous with positive and good actions. Everything seems to be going well in your life. You are completely where you should be. Nothing seems to bother you. To dream of playing the ukulele suggests that the balance between your professional and personal life is respected. With regard to your health, to dream of playing the ukulele suggests that everything is fine, you are in good health. If you were ill, you are convalescing.Dream about playing the ukulele and being really bad You dream that you are playing the ukulele, but it is really horrible. You can't do it, your body doesn't follow and your mind slows you down. You have no head for it but are moved by the people around you. You are in a cycle of dissociation between your body and your mind. They do not understand each other and cannot come together. This leads to a clumsiness that may bother you.To dream of playing the ukulele reveals that in your personal life, you are unable to communicate your emotions properly and your marriage suffers. Your partner is a little lost. You have to take care of your relationship. If you are single, dreaming of playing the ukulele proves that you have to break down the wall that separates you from others. Others perceive you as unavailable, it is really hard in these situations to connect with someone.Dream of playing the ukulele and getting hurt You dream of playing the ukulele and suddenly you get hurt. You are very hard on yourself. You are a very demanding person and always strive for perfection. This is not a fault, on the other hand, but you must not forget to protect your body. To dream of playing the ukulele proves that in a friendly relationship, your demands may play tricks on you. Being hard on yourself is one thing, being demanding of close friends is another. Wanting efficiency from others could mean losing the few friends you have.Dream about playing the ukulele and not controlling anything During your dream, you are playing the ukulele but not controlling anything. The situation is forced upon you and you have no choice, not even the chance to say no. You are a spectator to your own life. You have given up. To dream of playing the ukulele shows that you have a complicated decision to make, you know it and you are burying your head in the sand! Nothing more human, but it doesn't make it good either. Your life could be so much more fantastic. You must let go of this weight to move on and move forward.Dream of seeing someone playing the ukulele Dreaming of seeing someone playing the ukulele reveals that you are in a position of observation. You are voluntarily putting yourself out of the action. You do not feel well involved in your group of friends and are partly responsible for it. As for your love life, if you are single, dreaming of someone playing the ukulele suggests that you will meet an older person and experience a fantastic love story. As a couple, dreaming of someone playing the ukulele shows that you are likely to meet someone who will change everything. Take time to think about it and don't make any hasty decisions.

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Hazelnut, In a dream, hazelnut represents a stranger who is rich, generous but dull, unpleasant though he has the ability to bring people together. It is also interpreted as hard earned money. In general, nuts in a dream represent roar, or even melancholy. Ahazelnut in adream also means news that one’s homeland is ravaged by war and its children are taken prisoners. In a dream, a hazelnut also represents the marriage of the first born girl to an unknown person. (Also see Hazelnut tree). walnut tree in a dream represents a stingy foreigner, a backbiter, a slanderer, a difficult person who cares only for his selfish interests. A walnut in a dream also represents a healthy body, or it could mean extensive travelling. Playing with walnut in a dream means playing with unlawful earnings. If a woman sees a walnut tree in her dream, it means longevity. A walnut in a dream also means a husband. Crushed walnuts in a dream mean easy money. Eating pecans from a hickory tree in a dream means speaking the truth. A hazelnut tree in a dream represents a mature and a strong person, while its fruit represents money. However, throwing hazelnut at someone in a dream means stoning him to death. (See Hazelnut | Stoning). (Sweets) Eating doughnut in a dream means money earned from fun or music and it could represent an escape from a dangerous accident, or a would be fatal accident. Doughnut in a dream also could denote either sorrow and regret, or joy and happiness. Seeing a doughnut baker in a dream is a sign of escaping from danger or it could be a sign of an approaching danger. Eating a coconut in a dream means that one may have the potential to become a fortuneteller or he may befriend one. Coconut in a dream also indicates the possibility of contracting intestinal inflammations. Dreaming of walnuts, is an omen significant of prolific joys and favors. Dreaming that you crack a decayed walnut, denotes that your expectations will end in bitterness and regretable collapse. For a young woman Dreaming that she has walnut stain on her hands, foretells that she will see her lover turn his attention to another, and she will entertain only regrets for her past indiscreet conduct.

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In a dream, women represent the world, its glitters and pleasures. If one sees women coming toward him in a dream, it means his success in the world. If they walk away from him in the dream, it means his poverty in the world. Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (Also see Woman). The sight of a woman, in general, is a good augury, especially if she is sprightly, adorned, and complacent, with a smiling face. And the best woman to be seen in a dream is the unknown, young, virtuous, and very dark-skinned Arab woman, according to Ibn Siren. An unknown old and ugly or imperfect woman symbolizes life on earth, which is the essence of temptation and intrigue. Such a life appeared to the Holy Prophet in the shape of a woman when he ascended beyong heaven, one night, to meet Allah. Hence the belief that women are temptation and intrigue. Similarly, worldly life was seen by many people in their dreams as an old, imperfect woman. It follows that a poor man dreaming that such a woman is considering his situation should expect luck to smile on him again. Flowers in his garden will blossom, his dead fields will start greening again, and he will become self-sufficient. If ill, he shall recover. If forgetful of life after death, he shall come back to his senses. The same dream applied to the public means that the people will reap harvest during the year in which they had lost hope or in the year that immediately follows it. It could also mean that a spreading and vicious war will come to an end and that normalcy will be restored. • An unveiled and adorned old woman: A sign that success will be quick. • A grim-faced old woman: Prestige will go. • An ugly old woman: Things will turn upside-down to the dreamer’s detriment. • A naked old woman: Scandal. • A veiled old woman: Regret. • An old woman entering the dreamer’s house: Luck and success in life. • An old woman leaving the dreamer’s house: Will lose everything on earth. • An old Muslim woman: An honest life. • An old non-Muslim woman: A life full of sins. • An old woman complying with the dreamer’s desires: Objectives will be fulfilled insomuch as she was complacent. • An old woman disobeying the dreamer’s orders despite his pleas and insistence: Hurdles. The dream is more likely to come true if the old woman was an unidentified one. However, Sheikh Abdul Ghani Al-Nabulsi has a completely different concept of dreams involving old women, a concept the author of this book finds more rational, since the Arabic word for old woman is ajouz from ajz, which means “incapacity” or “inability.” It follows that an old woman represents: (1) Incapacity, especially if she appears sick. (2) Declining fortune. (3) Sorrow. (4) The Hereafter, since senility is the reverse of liveliness. (5) Wine, since in Arabic the word khamr, or wine, could refer to an old woman.60 (6) A cow, since again in Arabic, an old woman is sometimes referred to as a cow. (7) Wickedness and deceit. (8) Gossip. (9) Fertility after despair. (10) Sterile land. • A thirsty old woman: Drought. • A weak old woman: A year of drought. The reverse is also true. • A rejuvenated old woman: The end of drought. • An old woman entering a patient’s room: Possible death. • An old woman coming to a pregnant lady: Good augury, because old women traditionally look after children and mothers after delivery. • A man handling some important matter dreaming that he was in the company of or having sex with an old woman: Will fail and objectives will not be fulfilled. • A veiled old woman with only the eyes visible: Hardships and regret. • An ugly old woman: Intrigue and war. • An old atheist woman: Illicit gains. • An armed old woman: Lawful gains and joy. • A woman dreaming that she had become old: Prestige, respect, and virtue. • An unknown old woman: A dry year. • People marvelling at an old woman descending from heaven: The year of the dreamer’s gains. • An old woman having ceased to have sex dreaming that her vigour and sexual passion are back and that she is having legitimate intercourse: Will be more successful in both religious and worldly matters. In the event of forbidden sex she will be more successful only in earthly matters. • A smiling and enthusiastic young woman flirting with the dreamer or allowing him to dominate or command her: Marriage or recovery from a stomach or any other disease. • An unknown young, beautiful, neat, pious, and almost ascetic woman: The Hereafter and whatever is done to merit Paradise, such as honest living, good deeds, et cetera. But she could also symbolize: (1) Ephemeral life. (2) Money or assets that do not stay, as beauty withers away. (3) Dead earth. (4) A devastated house. • A known woman with the above description: A reference to the person herself, a lady sharing the same name or who resembles her, or her opposite number. • Seeing a woman so beautiful that the dreamer imagines her to be a creature from Paradise as described in the Holy Quran (houreyyah, or nymph with enormous black and pristine eyeballs contrasting with her skin, like a deer): Will die as a martyr for the sake of God. • Seeing an earthly creature with that description: Being saved from any kind of trouble, money, a ship, a camel, or a caravan, et cetera, the dreamer will come back from a journey bringing welfare; any wish or request will be granted by the ruler or chief; crops will grow; and so on and so forth. • A perfect woman: An allusion to what her name refers to on earth or in the other world, for a woman is a world in herself or to whoever enters her life; she is delight and passion and ecstasy. In terms of the Hereafter, she reforms her man on the religious plane. She could also symbolize power or the ruler or chief himself, because she governs her man by enticing him and arousing his passion, making him strive and toil like a slave to try to make her happy. Analogies are also drawn between women and earth and the grave, as man comes from earth and returns to it; gardens, the fruit-bearing tree; the year (in view of what it conceives and delivers); cows (because of the milk) and ewes; the rain; and, revolting as it may seem to contemporary women’s liberation activists, anything that a man rides or steps on or that is hollow like a box, or used for storage, be it a ship, an animal, a sole or a complete shoe, a carpet or rug, or a sink. She is also represented by a glass bottle and by the toilet. Likewise, the woman symbolizes the prison; the partner, as she shares man’s wealth and pleasure; any secret, the underwear; the ink pot; and the seat. • Talking to or mixing, joking, or playing with a pretty woman who has entered one’s house: (1) A fruitful year. (2) Welfare and joy. (3) An end to poverty and to poor luck. (4) Liberation from prison. • A woman commanding people and inviting them to obey God: Piety. • An authoritarian woman addressing the public and telling them what they should and what they should not do: Religious benefit. • A woman as described above opposing the public or touching or kissing the audience or showing her private parts: Intrigue or a proving matter in which those seen getting anything from her will perish in view of verse 35 of the Quranic chapter “Al-Anbiyae” (The Prophets), which says: “Every soul must taste of death, and We try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto Us ye will be returned.” • A large number of women being moved to a certain place on horse or camelback and carrying weapons or tools: Workers will flock to the area. • Having a dispute with a woman, especially if she holds a public post or enjoys a high social position, then resenting her: (1) Will lose one’s bread. (2) Will fade out. (3) Well-being and power will wane, but after a while everything will be back to normal. • Seeing a dishevelled woman—an absolute stranger: Will imminently lose something. But if she is pretty, will find it again. • Kissing a lady: Will lose something. • Having sex with a woman: Bad omen. • Carrying a beautiful woman: (1) Recovery from a disease. (2) Release from prison. (3) Relief. • A religious-minded man seeing an adulteress or an atheistic woman: Good augury and blessings. • A profligate seeing an adulteress or a dissolute woman: His faith will weaken further; he will indulge in sins, vice, and evil. • A sterile woman becoming pregnant: Welfare and reform in one’s life and in the Hereafter. • A group of women looking at the dreamer and one of them inviting him to join in: (1) Bad reputation, though innocent. (2) Will obtain what he is aiming for, but later on. (3) His enemies will not have the upper hand. • A dispute among numerous women: Strange events will disturb some people. The reverse is also true. • A young man smiling at the dreamer: The revival of dead matters. • A fat woman: A fertile or fruitful year. • A slim woman: A poor year. • An old woman: Nothing good should be expected from such a dream, unless she is unveiled and adorned. • Negresses61 coming to the dreamer: Lots of legitimate benefits. • A black woman: A dark night. A bad omen, unless she belongs to someone. • A white woman: A night softened by moonlight. • A woman being sold: Power will wane and stability will be shaken, but not forever. • Seeing a woman other than those the dreamer sees when he is awake: The dreamer will lose some of his assets, then find them again. Killing such a woman would mean that a large chunk of the dreamer’s wealth will go. Having sex with her means all his wealth will be lost. • A lady seeing an old woman: (1) A reference to her own efforts. (2) Her endeavours will fail. • A lady seeing a young woman: An enemy, whatever she looks like. • A young woman dreaming that she has become old: She is a virtuous one. • A woman dreaming that all her hair has turned white: (1) Her husband is a debauchee. If not, he will swap her for another woman or slave. (2) Somehow she will bring grief and sorrow to her husband. • A woman with black hair: (1) Her husband loves her. (2) Her husband is a righteous man. • A married woman dreaming that she has uncovered her hair: Her husband will be absent. If her hair remained uncovered, the husband would never come back. • An unmarried woman dreaming that she has uncovered her hair: Will never get married. • A woman seeing her thick hair admired by people: Will have a scandal.

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If you dream at playing at tenpins, you will doubtless soon engage in some affair which will bring discredit upon your name, and you will lose your money and true friendship. To see others engaged in this dream, foretells that you will find pleasure in frivolous people and likely lose employment. For a young woman to play a successful game of tenpins, is an omen of light pleasures, but sorrow will attend her later.

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For a woman to dream that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend. To dream of snakes, is a foreboding of evil in its various forms and stages. To see them wriggling and falling over others, foretells struggles with fortune and remorse. To kill them, you will feel that you have used every opportunity of advancing your own interests, or respecting that of others. You will enjoy victory over enemies. To walk over them, you will live in constant fear of sickness, and selfish persons will seek to usurp your place in your companion's life. If they bite you, you will succumb to evil influences, and enemies will injure your business. To dream that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent; if you then, after frantic efforts, succeed in escaping its attack, and altogether lose sight of it, it foretells that you will soon imagine you are being disobeyed and slighted, and things will go on from bad to worse. Sickness, uneasiness and unkindness will increase to frightful proportions in your mind; but they will adjust themselves to a normal basis, and by the putting aside of imaginary trouble, and masterfully shouldering duties, you will be contented and repaid. To dream that a snake coils itself around you and darts its tongue out at you, is a sign that you will be placed in a position where you will be powerless in the hands of enemies, and you will be attacked with sickness. To handle them, you will use strategy to aid in overthrowing opposition. To see hairs turn into snakes, foretells that seeming insignificant incidents will make distressing cares for you. If snakes turn into unnatural shapes, you will have troubles which will be dispelled if treated with indifference, calmness and will power. To see or step on snakes while wading or bathing, denotes that there will be trouble where unalloyed pleasure was anticipated. To see them bite others, foretells that some friend will be injured and criticised by you. To see little snakes, denotes you will entertain persons with friendly hospitality who will secretly defame you and work to overthrow your growing prospects. To see children playing with them, is a sign that you will be nonplussed to distinguish your friends from your enemies. For a woman to think a child places one on the back of her head, and she hears the snake's hisses, foretells that she will be persuaded to yield up some possession seemingly for her good, but she will find out later that she has been inveigled into an intrigue in which enemies will tantalize her. To see snakes raising up their heads in a path just behind your friend, denotes that you will discover a conspiracy which has been formed to injure your friend and also yourself. To think your friend has them under control, denotes that some powerful agency will be employed in your favor to ward off evil influences. For a woman to hypnotize a snake, denotes your rights will be assailed, but you will be protected by law and influential friends. See Serpents and Reptiles

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To dream of a quartette, and you are playing or singing, denotes favorable affairs, jolly companions, and good times. To see or hear a quartette, foretells that you will aspire to something beyond you.

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Belonging to an orchestra and playing, foretells pleasant entertainments, and your sweetheart will be faithful and cultivated. To hear the music of an orchestra, denotes that the knowledge of humanity will at all times prove you to be a much-liked person, and favors will fall unstintedly upon you.

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To dream of playing on one, is auspicious of joyful news from absent friends. Pleasant occupations follow the dreaming of hearing the music of a lute.

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To dream of listening to the music of a lyre, foretells chaste pleasures and congenial companionship. Business will run smoothly. For a young woman to dream of playing on one, denotes that she will enjoy the undivided affection of a worthy man.

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To dream that you hear the sound of a horn, foretells hasty news of a joyful character. To see a broken horn, denotes death or accident. To see children playing with horns, denotes congeniality in the home. For a woman to dream of blowing a horn, foretells that she is more anxious for marriage than her lover.

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To be playing golf or watching the game, denotes that pleasant and successive wishing will be indulged in by you. To see any unpleasantness connected with golf, you will be humiliated by some thoughtless person.

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To dream that you have a guitar, or is playing one in a dream, signifies a merry gathering and serious love making. For a young woman to think it is unstrung or broken, foretells that disappointments in love are sure to overtake her. Upon hearing the weird music of a guitar, the dreamer should fortify herself against flattery and soft persuasion, for she is in danger of being tempted by a fascinating evil. If the dreamer be a man, he will be courted, and will be likely to lose his judgment under the wiles of seductive women. If you play on a guitar, your family affairs will be harmonious.

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To dream of hearing notes from a flute, signifies a pleasant meeting with friends from a distance, and profitable engagements. For a young woman to dream of playing a flute, denotes that she will fall in love because of her lover's engaging manners.

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To dream of playing at dominoes, and lose, you will be affronted by a friend, and much uneasiness for your safety will be entertained by your people, as you will not be discreet in your affairs with women or other matters that engage your attention. If you are the winner of the game, it foretells that you will be much courted and admired by certain dissolute characters, bringing you selfish pleasures, but much distress to your relatives.

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To dream of playing checkers, you will be involved in difficulties of a serious character, and strange people will come into your life, working you harm. To dream that you win the game, you will succeed in some doubtful enterprise.

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To dream of playing chess, denotes stagnation of business, dull companions, and poor health. To dream that you lose at chess, worries from mean sources will ensue; but if you win, disagreeable influences may be surmounted.

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blind man's buff

To dream that you are playing at blind man's buff, denotes that you are about to engage in some weak enterprise which will likely humiliate you, besides losing money for you.

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To dream of playing backgammon, denotes that you will, while visiting, meet with unfriendly hospitality, but will unconsciously win friendships which will endure much straining. If you are defeated in the game, you will be unfortunate in bestowing your affections, and your affairs will remain in an unsettled condition.

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To dream of hearing the music of an accordion, denotes that you will engage in amusement which will win you from sadness and retrospection. You will by this means be enabled to take up your burden more cheerfully. For a young woman to dream that she is playing an accordion, portends that she will win her lover by some sad occurrence; but, notwithstanding which, the same will confer lasting happiness upon her union. If the accordion gets out of tune, she will be saddened by the illness or trouble of her lover.

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video game

Dreaming about a video game is a simulation of the afterlife. -- To dream that you are playing a video game, represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Alternatively, it suggests that you are trying to escape and not confront the stress and problems in your real life. Consider the type of video game for additional insights. To see or dream that you are a character in a video game, suggests that you are feeling controlled and manipulated by others. You feel that you have no control over your actions or are not taking responsibility for them. They could also represent the perspective on life held by the dreamer; is the video game hard? Or is it fairly easy and casual?? Is the videogame full of mundane activities? Dreaming about a video game is a simulation of the afterlife. -- To dream that you are playing a video game, represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Alternatively, it suggests that you are trying to escape and not confront the stress and problems in your real life. Consider the type of video game for additional insights. To see or dream that you are a character in a video game, suggests that you are feeling controlled and manipulated by others. You feel that you have no control over your actions or are not taking responsibility for them. They could also represent the perspective on life held by the dreamer; is the video game hard? Or is it fairly easy and casual?? Is the videogame full of mundane activities?

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