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Symbols in a dream containing trusting

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What is the meaning in a dream of trusting


It takes a lot of effort for a person to be a samurai. He plays a strong role in the feudal Japanese army. No one can call himself a samurai unless he knows the true meaning and sacrifices that this position requires. To dream of a samurai has many hidden meanings. If you think it has a clear meaning and you can easily find out what it means, then you are completely wrong. Unless you know what you are doing in this dream, you can never reveal its true meaning. So the next time you see a samurai dream, make sure you try to remember everything and anything from it. To dream of a samurai indicates loyalty in life. You have someone who is very loyal to you. If you see a well-known person as a samurai in your dream, it's time for you to go hug him, because he's the most loyal person to you in your notes life. To dream of an unknown person as a samurai means that you are betrayed by a lot of people in your life, especially because you trust people too easily. It is a message from your conscience to stop trusting everyone so easily. symbolism: Samurai represents honesty, loyalty, sacrifice, revenge, a patriotic characteristic of a person, commitment, duty, responsibility and discipline. Fighting with a samurai has a completely different meaning. You are unfair to yourself and spoiling your life in your own hands. It's time for you to be more controlled and disciplined, if you see such a dream and take it as a message from your conscience. To dream of being defeated by a samurai means that you will pay for your sick karmas in the future. The most common samurai dreams: Seeing yourself as a samurai - such a dream means that people trust you when they are in the worst stages of their lives. Hug, kiss or love with a samurai - such a dream means that you have a particularly worthy partner or that you will soon achieve it in your life. Talk to a samurai - you are missing a partner in life if you see such a dream. And it is also a song by Red Hot Chili-Peppers

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Babies in dreams can mean a variety of things. They can refer to our own inner child, the part of us that remains innocent, spontaneous, playful and trusting. These kind of baby dreams ask us to look to where in our life we need nurturing. Do you need to take better care of yourself, or maybe you have judged your self harshly and need to be a bit kinder and gentler to your self. They can mean a new project in your life, something that you create and nurture as “your baby.” The age of the baby can sometimes indicate when this project started or was “conceived.” If you lose or forget the baby in your dream, you might feel a terrible sense of sadness or guilt. Look for where in your life you feel you have lost something precious. This might be a new loss, like loss of a job, giving up something personally valuable to you in order to achieve another goal, or help someone you care about. It might also be an old loss, remembrance from a pain in your past that is unresolved, when the innocent, trusting part of you was hurt or let down. Baby dreams ask us to address these issues, so we can feel trusting and happy again. And while it is not the most common reason for people to dream of babies, some women do realise they are pregnant by dreaming of their baby. This is because the subconscious mind often knows before the conscious mind what is going on in the body, and will send us messages to let us know! The important thing to remember, is that even if you dream of your own children, or children you know, these are usually symbols your mind is using to express an idea to you. There is no need to feel anxious or guilty over your parenting skills, but you might want to look at what other causes for anxiety there are in your life, and remember it is just as important to care for and nurture your self as it is to care for your baby.

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To dream of walking on stilts, denotes that your fortune is in an insecure condition. To fall from them, or feel them break beneath you, you will be precipitated into embarrassments by trusting your affairs to the care of others.

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To hear the sad sweet strains of a harp, denotes the sad ending to what seems a pleasing and profitable enterprise. To see a broken harp, betokens illness, or broken troth between lovers. To play a harp yourself, signifies that your nature is too trusting, and you should be more careful in placing your confidence as well as love matters.

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Confidence. Belief in yourself. Need for self-acceptance.

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Violence. Fear of betrayal. Need to be more trusting.

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