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My dream is about a 3 year

My dream is about a 3 year old boy, who is my son, asking can he go with his dad for the weekend. He's tall for his age. I told him no because his dad was probably doing something with his girlfriend. I called him "Donny" in the dream, short for Adonis. So he says, "Call him." I told him no & he should call him. Then he says, "Please, Mommy!" I dialed his dad's number & he talked to him & told him that I said he was busy with his girlfriend. he was standing in front of me with a black tank top, boxers, & black socks. He says, "No, daddy doesn't have a girlfriend & that he would be there to pick him up. He then says, "Mommy, can daddy spend the night?" I said yes, that's fine. In the beginning of the dream, I was clearly hurt by whatever his dad did to me, but I'm not sure exactly what he did. Clearly, I was in love with my son's father in the dream. When he gets there, I open the door from sitting on the chaise, & he walks in. He is wearing a black hoodie, blue jeans, & black sneakers. In the dream, he is at least 6'4.I could see one of the tattoos on his lower right arm. I knew that he had tattoos in other places, one being on the upper left arm. I looked him up & down, but his face was a blur. I tell my son to go get dressed & he comes out with blue jeans & sneakers on, but he never put on a shirt over his tank top. he asks his dad, "Daddy, can mommy come with us?" I immediately respond no & that we can do something together next weekend. He then begs, "Please, mommy?" His father replies, "Come on baby. Go with us." I get up, get dressed, & we head out. On the way out the door, I ask my son where is his shirt. It was cold outside, & still did not have on a shirt. Finally, I close the door, lock it, & then I wake up from the dream. Recently, I was contacted by an unknown person that says he knows me, so I started talking to him. I have never seen this man before. During this time, I am still having the dream. Three weeks ago, the father of my son's face was revealed to me, & it's the guy that contacted me. Since the face was revealed, I see the mystery guy in the dream. The voice matches, the height, skin complexion, everything. In the dream, I was staring at my son because he looked nothing like me, but identical to this guy. Come to find out, the guy that contacted me is exactly 6'4. I have been having this dream for 6 years. It starts in June & ends in January. No matter what time f day I may be napping, this dreams is always present. I even started pulling letters out of my dream. Unbeknownst to me, these letters collectively make up the dad's last name, which I didn't know until I asked him. Can you tell me what this means?



I was in a class and had

I was in a class and had to write a giggle for a peanut butter sandwich and Payton manning was in my class

I had a dream that my boyfriend

I had a dream that my boyfriend had another woman in the bed we now share, particularly what stood out what that she was bent over and I could see her anus

Sogni e desideri delle ragazze di quattro

Sogni e desideri delle ragazze di quattro continenti. La Girl Declaration è stata redatta intervistando 508 ragazze in 14 paesi di quattro continenti, che hanno raccontato di cosa avrebbero bisogno per potersi realizzare; alla sua stesura hanno collaborato più di 25 organizzazioni che lavorano sul campo con le giovani. Il documento è stato consegnato alla presidente della Camera Boldrini dalla presidente dell'AIDOS Daniela Colombo e dalla vicepresidente Maria Grazia Panunzi. "Abbiamo voluto consegnare la Dichiarazione alla presidente Boldrini - ha detto Pia Locatelli, coordinatrice del Gruppo interparlamentare - per mettere simbolicamente il futuro delle ragazze in mano alle istituzioni". "Le storie di vita che ho ascoltato - ha detto la Boldrini - confermano una volta di più che l'educazione è tutto, e che persino pochi anni di scuola bastano ad assicurare un netto miglioramento delle prospettive per queste giovani donne. E' importante il sostegno che viene dalla collaborazione tra le espressioni della società civile e le parlamentari. La vostra azione congiunta può avvicinare il tempo in cui le ragazze saranno finalmente protagoniste del proprio destino". Clarisonic Mia