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Dreams amusement park

Found 54 dreams containing amusement park - Page 2

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I am trying to get away from someone in a car. I got out of a door at an amusement park become large there. Crush the car that became small. Move stairs to a door that makes me small again. Close the door because now people are trying to follow me in. I'm trying to lock The door looking for a key thev door doesn't lock it opens the top part which lets spirts into the house. I run and apologize to my grandma who is not my real life grandma because I remembered I had the dream before same ending.

I had a dream that I was at an amusement park at night, and this cyborg robot was chasing after me, and I burned in fire. In the dream, I woke up and was in my room. I was half awake. I kept looking out of the window, and the robot, now a large giant, kept approaching my house, and kept repeating doing so. I saw a child superhero running in slow motion as I drifted off, and I began drawing black candles on my ceiling, and I lit them, and the flames lit up. I descended into darkness, and I began hearing a dark voice, which said "Aren't you afraid of the shadows and the dark?" I then saw an encyclopedia page with a red background on this fake dictator, and his symbol was a hammer of might. And then, I realized, that I was the emperor.

I had a dream that I was at an amusement park at night, and this cyborg robot was chasing after me, and I burned in fire. In the dream, I woke up and was in my room. I was half awake. I kept looking out of the window, and the robot, now a large giant, kept approaching my house, and kept repeating doing so. I saw a child superhero running in slow motion as I drifted off, and I began drawing black candles on my ceiling, and I lit them, and the flames lit up. I descended into darkness, and I began hearing a dark voice, which said "Aren't you afraid of the shadows and the dark?" I then saw an encyclopedia page with a red background on this fake dictator, and his symbol was a hammer of might. And then, I realized, that I was the ruler.

My daughter and I are at an amusement park together and a boy rides with us, making me very uncomfortable. We then stay in an unfamiliar hotel room and I find a possessed doll on the floor that crawled out of a vent. I saw a friend there but he ditched me. I discovered we were being watched with cameras. I found old letters in my daughters book when I was planning to get her from school and leave. I finally went after my friend and got him to admit that people were going to poison me with a cake and the people were going to keep my daughter. When I asked a woman for help, she had a camera on her head and started chasing me.

I have had nightmares almost my entier life. I have dreamed of death before. It always rattled me because I have always had the feeling that I will die young. I've accepted this feeling and I have accepted that I will die but I try not to focus on it too much because life is short. In this dream, I don't remeber the beginning which is odd because I always remeber my dreams. I remeber being at the a huge carnival and amusement park. Something happened, and it turnee out to be some awful thing. I don't know what happened but everyone was suddenly dyeing for differrent reasons. I found myself sitting outside and my skin was turning blue from cold. I saw someone's face who.I am pretty sure was a made up person from dreams when I was younger. He grew up with me in my mind before, in a dream, he drowned. But this was him, only older. He watched me freeze to death. When I died, it was like I was swollowed by darkness. Then a small light appeared in the center of the dark. It glowed, dimmed, the grew. I teyed to move toward it. I relized that I didnt hsve a body. I wasnt a girl or a boy or qnything. I was just a soul trying to movetoward a light and thats when i woke up.)

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