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Dreamt I had a son named Carson ( I don’t have a son named. Arson only in this dream. Blonde blue eyes 9/10 years old 5ft was in a plane to see if he got off ok for his flight then went missing then he was a few rows down with a man in a airforce uniform then man wearing glasses not old but not young says to me Carson is his son I took him away from the man and went to the back of the aircraft to talk to cabin crew then the plane taxied to the runway I was freaking out how am I going to get back home.. Carson sitting in last row then two woman sitting opposite the one took magazine out the pocket of the seat and it was her on the cover wearing a yellow dress with some kinda crown

Story tone: I have this dream that is really frequent lately, like i live in a town that is close to a river... the town is a cuban style close to modern but full of palm trees... then there is this night in every two weeks, people is sleeping early and shut all the doors and window tightly. and here is my scene came in... i'm not sure why but i feel like im new in the town but seems i'm living in the town my whole life. then one night everyone is panicking because some weird creature appears and seems creating havoc in the area. then when i realized that i need to escape what i think of is to bring my aunt with me and my nieces. then i realized i have a super power.. that i can float/fly but it's took weak.. like i can just barely above the roof... but still i tried to escape with my aunt and my nieces me trying to carry all of them so we are just floating above the river... then the next segment is we found a town next to the river and the town have a cave.... we do not know the place so what we did is we go to this big cave and we try to rest there and sleep... then we actually try to hide because some people are coming out in the cave-like you know the feeling that they where there because they had a prayer or what.... that's the feeling... and there is a priest.. but one thing caught my attention is there is a boy that looks like the hunchback of Notre-Dame... but a bit skinnier and younger. but the face is almost the same and creepier... btw this is in the middle of the night.... so while im resting.... one of my niece went back to me that she was like stub or sliced in the stomach asking for help.... or saying to leave the place... and one of my niece is missing... thinking that maybe the creepy dude is did something weird to them... and the town is also like the same town i've been to like everyone is shutting their homes. then me and my one niece is trying to escape one boy helped us.. since i have a power to float he said we can stay somewhere high in a one house... like the feeling of a Bird nest.. whit hay and everything... then that's where it ended.... hahahahahah this is kind the most recent dreams i have and it's the same thing for the past weeks.... by the way the drawing is the creature like i saw hahahah like they have skin like texture but slimy.....

I was in the auditorium at Martha Brown. I was on stage, moving these set pieces over and over again trying to get them lined up perfectly. The set pieces felt larger than life, as the height was so great it was almost imperceptible-like a skyscraper. I was lining them up incorrectly- from the back instead of the front. I could feel myself getting anxious and overwhelmed. Then l, or someone else, took a photo of the audience and there was a big flash. After that, another person on the crew walked in carrying a cartoon-ish pillow I asked who made them and it was the person who was supposed to be my new boss. He carved them out of wood.

I had a dream that I was at a high school, it had maybe a very mild resemblance to my school. And the school down by the football field for some reason had a beach. And this seal kept jumping out of the water to scare us. I was saying in my dream, "It has to stay in the water it can't hurt us". And then it popped out of the water can and started chasing me and some other person (I forgot or don't know who they were). It chased us up a ramp that led to the main school area. It started attacking everybody. I and the person I was with split up somehow, and I was hiding with multiple other people in some little room connected to the library. Then, (I forgot why) I decided to leave the building and hide behind the library. There was like a little narrow area between the library and this fence. So I stayed there for a bit. Soon enough, I decided to go back to the library room and I found everyone in there dead. There were multiple bodies scattered around the rest of the school too. I don't know now when or how, but at some point, it was a dog, and not a seal anymore. Some kind of golden retriever-looking dog. It continued causing chaos until some one I forgot whether it was me or someone else had a bow and arrow pointed at the dog, and was about to kill it. This was in front of the library as well. Then I don't get why but everyone started agreeing that it shouldn't be killed. So it wasn't killed and was just being treated like normal after killing so many students. After that I don't remember much other than that we were at some outside assembly or all the remaining people were just sitting in rows outside on the grass.

I was at an athletics meet and this crowd dancing formation thing happens where we are in lines, dancing and moving across the field. Then some lady tells me to tie my hair up and "where are your parents you need to tie that up" and i say no a few times and "what is the reason?". Then I go to my parents in the warmup area and my old friend's mum (I'm seeing the friend soon in real life) is there but she seems to ignore me a bit. I'm debating when to warm up. Suddenly I see a shop, two of my favourite jewellery shops mixed together and go in with mum but the stuff is all really bad and weird and expensive and it seems more like a reject shop. As I walk out I hear the lady speaking Indonesian to some man. When mum meets me outside she bought a baby with star eyes for $90 that the lady convinced her to buy so I express my disapproval of the baby and she returns it. Then I see my old taekwondo friend makayla and these two random girls tell me to follow them and I sit on the bench with them. They tell me this boy likes me and they saw my old coach and asked him about it. Then this police car smashes into the back of the chair, the chair is lifted up but we are all fine.

I was walking towards the dark school dressing room and when i entered i felt weak and dizzy. Then a boy with blonde hair, light eyes, a white suit with headphones around his neck appeared to my right side while i was hanging my jacket and seemed concerned about me. While I was still hanging my jacket, this girl from my class appeared to my left side and she complimented me, it was something to do with my clothing possibly, I didnt hear her so i asked her to repeat herself and she said "I wasn't complimenting your face, youre ugly" she said it with a smile. In the corner of my eye i saw my crush come in the dark dressing room. After i saw some of my make classmates come in the dressing room. Then a balck screen appeared for a milisecond. The dressing room had a warm light and there wasnt anyone in the dressing room except from two guys in the dressing room who seem to be fighting about something both guys had dark hair but one was taller than the other. I was witnessing everything while i was I was sitting on a big comfy pillow seat and a guy from my class appeared to my right side and saw my confused expression and smiled, he started explaining why they were fighting, and the reason involved something to do with someones brother having autism, after he told me i felt enlightened for some reason. it was probably a lesson for me and he helped me realise something in my life. Then a balck screen appeared for a milisecond again. the dressing room had a warm light and I was sitting on the same big comfy pillow seat and there were a lot of unfamiliar people inside the dressing room and i caught a glimpse of my crush. On the big comfy pillow i was sitting on, a few seats away i saw the same blonde boy who was concerned about me and i saw other guys and one east asian guy with glasses sitting with the blonde boy. Then a boy with a grey zip up hoodie, with brown short hair, hazel eyes, slightly tan skin came in and hugged the blonde boy and he also hugged me, it was kind of a group hug, and i told him i didnt know him and he said he doesnt matter he still wanted to hug me, i didnt know any of the boys including the blonde boy or his group, as a matter of fact, i didnt know anyone in the dressing room except my crush who was in the background. Then the grey hoodie guy sat between me and the blonde boy and i leaned on the guy with the grey hoodie's shoulder while he was playing some game on his phone and chatted with the blonde boy and the other guys, but despite leaning on the grey hoodie guy's shoulder, i was ignored by him and the other guys. Then in my dream it cut to this fantasy land that included the grey hoodie guy, blonde guy, the east asian guy with glasses & the rest of the guys running around the candy field freely and happily while i was recording them from the sky, kind of like in a movie.

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