Tornado formation of birds my cat being sick and seeing a girl ghost look kinda scary as I was seeing her but nobody else could November 19, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I am travelling in a boat on a river with very clear water and I see a whole lot of dead birds on the river bed October 02, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
In a dream, i saw myself catch a beautiful blue bird and i held it with my right hand and then placed the bird in cage where two birds were already in. September 16, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw myself sleeping in my bed, two birds out of no where entered in my room,one bird was small and black and other bird was large and brown. They were fighting at a distance from me, I saw black bird lost the fight and disappeared and then large bird came towards me disappeared. I was asking them how did you enter in my room. April 06, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
There was a big cage of birds, all chirping and singing. Then one black bird started attacking the other birds. My boyfriend grabbed the bird and put him in a Styrofoam cup and filled the cup with water. When I went to help the bird it was alive and trying to get out. I dumped the water out and the bird came out into the sink and was dead. June 25, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
Was sitting in the living room and I noticed ed a big woman standing in my front door with a scarf on her head and she was smiling, I raised from the sofa and shut and locked the door My daughter spoke a name Carolyn I said you know her she said no. I noticed there were 2 ladies walking through my house from the kitchen I immediately stood again and rushed the strangers out and locked the door again now my daughter is sweeping up glass from the floor with a crimson colored broom and she said I broke your phone, I said that's a lot of glass, my granddaughter and I walked in the kitchen and there were 2 white doors and we locked both of them. I was distracted by noise coming g from a lap top I tried to shut it off and u couldn't. As I entered the living room again my my daughter was now sitting in rhe family room across from the living room she was sitting on rhe floor braiding her daughter hair. At that moment there was a young man walking through the house he had a sky blue hood on that covered his face he reached into his pocket and threw 4 small items behind my daughter the items floated to the floor as I counted 1 2 3 4, my daughter finally noticed es him at that moment we stopped talking and we could read each other thoughts, I watched him go into my living room and he disappeared, daughter told me with her mind I'm going to get my gun. My granddaughter and I tipped to the second floor. There were 4 white doors.i entered 1 and locked it. I was rumbling through my dresser to look for my gun. My eyes became heavy I turned ti the door and a tree rose from the floor like a stick tree it was filled with birds not chirping but fluttering like the knew me. I turned and another door appeared there were 2 fingers holding a small glass under the door the glass was beautifully engraved with solid gold it was mesmerizing. I started to look gor my phone to call my daughter to check on her because everything was silence an S I looked for my phone I noticed my granddaughter was siu d asleep that quick with her eyes wide open. I was so tired I could barely move the dream has now become magical with the beautiful black and grey birds with white stripes under their wings. My phone rang in real time and I woke up feeling mystical like people were using my house as a method of transporting. February 04, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis