I had this dream I was in this building and it was filled with people old and young and they where pack as if they was going some where all of sudden this minister came in and he said u know why they are here than all of the sudden another minister came in and he was packed and than the dirt came through the floor and the man started crying and saying I don't want to die and I looked around I saw some people face laying in the dirt and the door open and I saw outside nothing but fields of dirt than my dream took a turn I was in the car with my sister riding and I saw other people pack in cars and they was trying to get out of the city and than we ended up in front of my mother house and she look out of the window and she said to me don't leave me I got out of my sister car to go get her and than my sister drove off real fast and I called her on the phone and she said I don't have no more room I had to pick up these two girls and than I start seeing other people in buses and cars pack to leave the city I looked up in the sky and I saw this clear substance in the air moving like water and when I look down I saw people leaving and I was saying don't leave me I don't want to stay in this city and I saw this woman walking and she said u staying here to do u wan to go to Greenville with me and than I saw a lot of buses and cars people were leaving and next thing I know I had a arm baby in my arms telling the people don't leave me cause I want to leave the city but no one heard me so I was holding the baby and I than I start asking about my kids and my mother said them kids alright downtown walking around so I pick up the phone to call my kids and than I woke up December 06, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Im in school and I keep seeing my ex boyfriend Jerry kissing his girlfriend Gillian but she is really in a girl named Debins body. I scream profanity at him everytime he shows her affection. Jerry is my first love. I am in my elementary school in my IEP class and everyone is getting on the bus and I see Jerry runnin towards the buses. Suddenly I am in Jerrys house and he is trying to kill himself by mixing a bunch of chemicals and smoking them. His older sister blames me for him trying to kill himself. November 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Out of control car, by myself narrowly missing buses and semi trucks May 13, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed last night that I was given money about £70.00 I put it in my purse the threw it away but then I realised what I‘d done and rushed over to get it back I did get it back than I rushed to catch a buses where my friends where on the top of the bus but thinking they left there bags out said I took them with me shouting up to them I realised that they had all there bag and mine two so I left them in the bagged part of the buses oh dear. December 11, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Im in school and I keep seeing my ex boyfriend Jerry kissing his girlfriend Gillian but she is really in a girl named Debins body. I scream profanity at him everytime he shows her affection. Jerry is my first love. I am in my elementary school in my IEP class and everyone is getting on the bus and I see Jerry runnin towards the buses. Suddenly I am in Jerrys house and he is trying to kill himself by mixing a bunch of chemicals and smoking them. His older sister blames me for him trying to kill himself. November 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in athens greece on a bus and had to change buses at omonina square and got on the other bus heading to my destination when I was awakened May 03, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm dreaming that I was riding in a passenger plane but the plane was traveling in a water and then where traveling in a land together with truck, buses and private car, as we travel slowly we ran into the tree but nobody is hurt. October 11, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
So i was going back to the locker room at pe to change out from my pe clothes and suddenly i was running in a field with no grass just dirt and then it was bus call and i missed both of my buses because i took like 20 min in the locker room changing back into my clothes and so i just walked to the bus loop but then my parents showed up near the breezeway so i was like "ok cool i'm gonna get home earlier" and then someone walked past me and like bumped into me and i thought he was a school shooter so i got nervous but i kept walking with my parents and we were gonna enter in the main entrance of the school but then we went to buy and it turned out to be bob saget and i was excited although i dont really watch full house and we talked and then my grandparents aunts uncles and all them started walking under the breezeway and i was confused but then i thought it was some procession for my brothers wedding so i was like ok and then it ended there January 30, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that i was driving up a big road and many white buses were on the side of the road and an angel was leading people into the white buses then suddenly the angel looked at me and flipped his eyes and began to take my soul then i woke up December 15, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis