Understand My Dreams

Dreams door

I saw a big ocean crystal clear water that our crash gear failure crash happened in that ocean inside the car my dad mom brother aunty aunty son was inside actually I was driving but I felt down in between the partition of the road I was chasing running for them and searching but they accident was happened in the ocean. I cross the ocean to save them and to search their bodies but so I jumped inside the water but I couldn't I was drown so the workers inside the ocean save me pull me out then I try again to search for them so I asked one guy he asked me to inside to take jumpsuit and ocean inside I said I don't want to go inside that he instead went and his look from the door was so scary he threw me a cotton and band aid cloth with wierd face so I spit to him and angry to him and I told him never then he close that door that door was the way I came to construction side of water so I had no where to go I was Stück but I decided to search for ocean and search but something happened burden to my body then I woke up.

I saw my cousin walking up a hill among various kids in uniform, he starts talking to some high schoolers and moves towards a school van that is full of guys( it is similar to one I've seen in my hometown when i was younger). As I leave, i fidget with a ring that was a gift from a friend and it still hurts me at the back. I see two guys in school uniform who were my brothers friends and i don't look at them but definitely saw them. Then suddenly see a couple near a temple like structure. The grooms ring doesn't fit so he tries to fidget with it too and the bride runs towards a jewellery shop and asks for a ring for herself. I am tempted and I also ask for a ring but trip on the doorway. Things probably fell out of my bag. I know the shopkeeper. He smiles and tells me there are no rings only one for the bride. As he picks up things from a box on the floor, I see my gold bangle and say that's mine. But he tells me its from the shop. I tell him of my receipt and call up a college friend (who apparently stays with me) but she has left the house and is going to class with a guy (someone we both hated in college). Then I remember that the gold bangle was bought nearby and the shopkeeper has the receipt too. It is my hometown but different. Then i look at my contacts and think if i should call up my mother

I was taking a nap with my daughter, when we woke up there were 2 men in the garden dumping lots of stuff. I was terrified and went to close the door, one of them said “we didn’t come through that door” so I locked the door and ran to the other door to lock that, I saw a shadow at the door but I locked it. My tooth then became really wobbly so I rang my boyfriend to see if he could come to sit with our child while I went to the hospital but his friend answered and said they were out and started being rude to me. I hung up and tried to ring again but his friend kept answering. So I rang my mum and asked her to come and while I was on the phone to her 3 other men broke into my house and started taking everything including the television from the wall. I recognised one of the men and he was telling the others to stop but they didn’t stop so I ran to a neighbours house with my daughter in my arms and then I woke up.

I had a dream about Parker, Thomasa brother and my dad. the first part of the dream was weird bc someone pooped all over the stall of the bathroom I don't know where that came from and then came Parker's part dot he dream I was in the gym and I saw him like over something but I could only see his eyes and I don't think he saw me looking but I looked away bc I wasn't staring just a glance and then after a while of working out a lady came up to me and showed me how to do a certain exercise correctly then the gym started clearing out and I saw parker again but this time I just walked right past him and then he grabbed me by my arm when I was about to go to a table where my family was and then I stopped and he just walked me into a closet and started talking about something along the lines of him sending texts or saying something indicating that he didn't want me and saying everything he did for me and then someone opened the door a random guy and then I saw Thomas's brother Jonathan and he was just standing there and Parker was telling him that Jonathan would call him on these long rants talking about something regarding me and and Thomas then parker said he sent a text and some image showed up and it was like him saying you help others but you yiu dont help me and and then he said something less and was like you claim to be a Jesus freak or your a Jesus freak and then walked off and during that conversation I was telling him that during those three years of us talking you literally treated me terrible and you know it and then that part ended I think something else happened before but I can remember so now to my dad we had came over to my grandparents house and he was acting very strange to my mom and he sent a very VERY provocative message to me about my mother and what he was going to do to her which made me very uncomfortable and proceeded to call me the wrong age and I said that I didn't want to speak to I him bc he wasn't acting right and he was acting like he didn't knoe anything about his own daughter again I think something beforehand happened I just can't remember. then when I woke up I checked my phone and I'm going on ig and I see someone who is related to Thomas's new girlfriend milan in my story views and the only reason I'm who it is is before when I was still upset about everything I would stalk and I was trying to find out who this girl was specifically her last name and I found her aunts profile and saw she was following her and vice versa then I saw someone named m_polite I think that's the username so I clicked on it and it said marlo polite and I saw the same thing her aunt was following him and the new girl so I'm very confused and to why he's looking at my stuff maybe it's a fake page ror the girl or  family member idk what is going on.

My nephew was with me and my first born boy child where by we witness my neighbors killing someone, we tried to escape but I was unable to help my son and nephew and I went home by the time I was at home by the door I saw my nephew being shot at 2 times an by the time my son was about to get shot I called him and he came as a spirit telling me it's too late the I was crying trying to grab him and I couldn't as he was heading straight to the house where he was killed, so by the time I was going back home I saw a small van 1400 with a colour white, green and blue heading to my place as if it was driven by a woman that I know by the time I get inside the house I was crying as loud as I can but seems like nobody was paying attention at all... So I went straight to my bedroom where I saw a linen of clothes and there was an overall with blue, yellow and orange colour on it, and it looked like I knew the owner of it so I came to the kitchen where I saw my son in a zinc bath with a smoke like he was burning and his arms were shrinking Please respond

I had an odd dream where I was at an airport that I saw on a map, was like smack back in the middle of somehow, both LA and San Francisco. It was like dusk, just on the cusp of the sun setting. From where I can remember the dream starting, I was in a much smaller jet, talking to my GF, when I suddenly realised somehow, that I wasn't on that plane, but another one, and it was exactly the time my flight was supposed to be flying out. I quickly gathered my stuff, and prepared to run off the plane, across the airport in the hope I could get to my own plane. I got out onto a relatively empty tarmac, before realising (and placing a great deal of importance) on the fact I had not kissed my GF goodbye, and despite the fact I was already in a hurry and late, ran back to give her a kiss and a hug. To which she seemed too busy to facilitate quickly anyway, but I did end up getting a quick one in. I dont remember my journey across the airport, but somehow I end up at a set of doors where I need my ticket to proceed. In looking for my ticket which I am suddenly unable to find, I drop a bottle of water. An airport member acts like I dropped this bottle of water with attitude, on purpose. And basically tells me to cool my attitude. This causes me to get an attitude, and I respondly snarikly with "you think I did that on purpose? If I wanted to do it on purpose, id do more than that. Oddly also the bottle I dropped, was like the size of my thumb. Eventually this worker after finding out whats going on offers to take me in and sort me out. As they are taking me in, I see a queue of normal passengers. For a brief moment, a man staring at me, deep into my soul, like straight into my eyes, is a dead ringer for my grandfather who passed a few months ago. It out and out looked like him. When I looked away and back again however, he looked completely different. At any rate, they start helping me at the desk, and we are talking and the conversation, I explain what occurred, and that I was just stressed because I couldn't find my ticket etc, and the woman goes "And dont worry hun, thats why we are going to sort you out"..."and that'll be 2300 dollars" I exclaim that I thought they were just helping me look up *my* ticket, not charge me for a whole new ticket. I exclaim that I dont want a new ticket, and I run from the desk and drop to the ground to look through my bag yet again. This time, I am able to find my ticket. It turns out it was folded up in my passport all along! I wave the ticket at them, and run past the line of people, oddly up to a door with no secuty staff on it, but just a button that you hit that opens the door and lets you through. It's at about this point the dream ended. I know dreams dont really mean anything, but what could this dream be suggestive of?

Living with my dad after my mom passed away and had to take him to the hospital cause he couldn't breath properly. A group of girls was standing on the step with a dog as we were trying to leave asking for someone who wasn't there. They didn't believe me until I explained that my dad needed to go to the emergency room. I then recognized one of them and got excited to see her an gave her a hug, when I said her name she said ew don't call me that, that's my dead name. My dad was fine and we returned to pie on the step, my dad then stored it underneath the stove. He tried to cook meat and cake in the same pan. The girls came back and kept looking around sizing the place up for something worth stealing. I made it clear to them they had no need to steak as they could use whatever they wanted too. Two of them left, so I went to find them. They were by the feomdoor laughing hysterically, jumping up and down with their hands over there ears. They beckoned for me to join them, it was super fun for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing. Even my dad thought it was comical.

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