Dreamed of popping fireworks then thousands of what seem to me as finches flying into the house and a white owl was also in the house. Whole house was full of birds that I tried to get out of the house. But I was not scared of them. Actually I was a peace with seeing the birds and gorgeous white owl.
Newspaper folded into pirate hat's flying down a dark staircase
Flying a aircraft
A black bird was flying around in my house. My mother was saying to let it fly out on its own.
Take off flying
Dream I'm flying
I was flying in some object towards New York City. At some point, I fell into the water with other people. We had to swim to shore. This guy and I entered the checkpoint to enter the country. We entered through a tiny, outdoor, international grocery store. There was a jail nearby.
I was being chased by flying demons throughout town. I was running through buildings and jumping over fences. Every once in awhile I would stop and place scented trash bags down in front of the flying demons path. The demons would burst into flames when they flew over the scented trash bags.
Flying Kangaroo
I was flying a world war 2 bomber around a military cruiser type vessel and I somehow got on board and tried to put electrical fires out that started in a room i thought had people in it but when i got in there there was only charred bones