I was walking in Italy on the edge of a giant cliff with my parents and all of the sudden I just fall
I am running on a long road that I am being chased by a giant snake. Then a giant snake came from above and tried to eat me
NO RUSH: Green Bay's rush defense has been stout of late, limiting starting running backs to an average of about 36 Swell Norge yards on 11 carries over the last three games. Mike Daniels and B.J. Raji are off to strong starts on the line, and linebacker Clay Matthews has been making plays whether he's lined up on the inside or outside.
Odell Beckham Jr. got emotional after the New York Giants rallied for a 30-27 win over the 49ers on Sunday night. He was on the verge of tears in an interview afterward, explaining: "Just happy we won."
"It's hard to win in this league without a quarterback," Newsome said. "There's at least a quarter, maybe half the league that's looking for a quarterback right now to help their franchise. We got fortunate in Joe."
And six games in, Bettcher said he's loving this high-profile challenge of plotting schemes to thwart the opposition.
Cleveland tackle Joe Thomas earned his fifth All-Pro spot, the most of anyone on the current team. Patriots cornerback Darrelle Revis got his fourth All-Pro berth.
I walk along a country path in an empty, tall grass field. I see a wooden table with a luxurious tablecloth. It is luxurious in colors of gold, red and purple. There is fringe. Under the tablecloth is a marble mantle clock. I pick it up to carry it. It leads me through a portal to black space. Standing in black space, a gigantic white with pink lotus flower gently floats past me. It glows. In the distance a giant peony, or old fashioned rose,white with a soft pink hue, floats. It glows. Eventually, I float to the right. Ism carrying a marble clock that points the way to an old, grey rock structure. There are stairs leading upward. At the top of the stairs, is a large, wooden arch doorway. I press the metal ring to open the door forward. It opens the way to the interior of a church. I walk down the center aisle to the front of the church. I am wearing a white peasant dress and see that I am barefoot. My hair is long blond, and tied loosely in a braid. I am a young woman. As I face the front of the church, rays and beams of sunlight pour down from above. I stand in the light rays soaking in the warmth and the bliss. I am filled with joy and begin to weep with happiness. I glance out the window the the right, and there are roses climbing up the side of the wall. White doves flitter in the rose bushes and fly around the window. I am overwhelmed with gladness and peace.
I was running from a giant hawk, I was running in a forest and stopped by a pile of sticks, and it almost ate me.
This was a reoccurring childhood dream that I had for years ending when I reached the age of 12, or so.
The dream was all that I remembered after waking up in the morning and it really bothered me that I couldn’t remember what came before it.
so what I woke up remembering so often was me swinging on a giant swing in an empty black space. I looked up and could see no top of the rope and when I looked down I could see no bottom, no floor. And you know that feeling you got in your stomach on swings as a kid? I felt that on every upswing.
Of course time is weird in dreams and I felt this need, this uncontrollable urge to escape this endless swing by jumping off it into the dark abyss below. After building the courage to finally jump off the swing I always woke up before landing so I remember waking up frustrated by all of the unknowns regarding this very disturbing dream.
I’m 66 years old today and have never forgotten this reoccurring dream from my childhood and I’m curious about an interpretation.
Giant mosquito
I have a dream of a mosquito. I took my shoe and tried to swat it. Every time I swatted the mosquito it grew larger. By the end it was giant.
Chased by a giant snake on a road. as I stop a snake from above came down to eat me.
Standing in black space, a gigantic white with pink lotus flower gently floats past me. It glows. In the distance a giant peony, or old fashioned rose,white with a soft pink hue, floats. It glows. Eventually, I float to the right. Ism carrying a marble clock that points the way to an old, grey rock structure. There are stairs leading upward. At the top of the stairs, is a large, wooden arch doorway. I press the metal ring to open the door forward. It opens the way to the interior of a church. I walk down the center aisle to the front of the church. I am wearing a white peasant dress and see that I am barefoot. My hair is long blond, and tied loosely in a braid. I am a young woman. As I face the front of the church, rays and beams of sunlight pour down from above. I stand in the light rays soaking in the warmth and the bliss. I am filled with joy and begin to weep with happiness. I glance out the window the the right, and there are roses climbing up the side of the wall. White doves flitter in the rose bushes and fly around the window. I am overwhelmed with gladness and peace.