I was in front of a mirror cutting off all of my hair and then smearing makeup all over my face with music in the background
I was in front of a mirror cutting off all of my hair and then smearing makeup all over my face with music in the background
•Hiding behind a wall
•cute guy and some girl were flirting
•walking on nets and someone said I looked like I was dancing
•couple were talking about me and saying I was hairy
•I walked up to them and confronted them and they cornered me and said I'm ugly and have bad acne
•while I was looking at the girl I noticed her makeup job was terrible
* I acted like I didn't care and told them are they gonna keep talking cause I don't care
* My friend pulled me away
(Can't remember what else happens)
•thought I was dreaming but noticed everything really happened and felt emotional and sad
* was sitting at a table when a group of guys were sitting at another and noticed the cute guy talking to his friends about me and calling me ugly and my God brother was there
* A guy asked if he wanted his cousin to fight me
* My God brother just kept looking at me like he knew they were talking about me
(I woke up feeling sad)
I was next to my house, but this time it was bigger. When I walked in, I saw a boy sitting on the counter with my mom talking to him. I saw myself on the floor putting on makeup and acting differently than I usually do. Apparently the boy was my brother, but I have no brothers. So when they left to go to the doctor and I followed them, everybody kept giving me dirty looks as if they were annoyed at me. I was so confused.
Clown prostitutes out on the blade re-applying their makeup between tricks
I was in front of a mirror cutting off my hair and then smearing makeup all over my face with music playing in the background
Mixing crushed up powder makeup with saliva to make a liquid. Bury the Luis to get pregnant. Unsure if doing two will result in twins.
Mom dreaming of me coming to the house and with my sleeping clothes and no makeup
I’m spendig a long time in the car outside my school putting makeup on to match my little sister, we finally go inside and get signed up and my crush asks me to be his partner. He holds onto me and loving scratches me and we sit down together and talk about finally getting together.
A group of shoppers and I, took empty wrapped aerosol cans and threw them into recycling bins in the makeup store departments. A colleague took old rugs to use on tables.