Understand My Dreams

Dreams nursing

You had to be with a mother figure or an item that showed you were a child in order to live. You were trapped in a nursing home type place and phones were not usable. You couldn’t escape. I went to a play that they held there at this hospital and pretended to be an extra in it, and attempted escape but was brought back. Then the woman told me I was the sacred deer. She then made me watch an amputation of a woman’s legs and I was shut back in the big room with everyone. If the bells rang and you were not with your mother or an item that showed your innocence you were killed.

I was driving a car thru water that was over the u ceiling of the car. I kept pushing the gas peddle. It kept going through the water. It stalled only I 've when I let up from the gas peddle. As long as I pressed the has peddle it kept going. There was a girl with me, I don't know who. I finally made it thru the water and rice up a hill to a trailor. I know the place in real life but have never been there. I used to be a nurse, so I was wearing a nursing uniform. I came to realize I was renting this trailer with another girl who was a nurse and left when I got there. The girl with me was wanting to leave.I used to be a drug addict. All I was doing after getting to the trailer was counting my drugs. I would lose them then find them and I couldn't organize my clothes.

I just started my new job at a nursing home with developmentally disabled residents and I am constantly cleaning them up and changing there briefs and the past two nights I haven't been getting any sleep I will have dreams about residents in my bed using the bathroom where I sleep and I have to wake up and see that I am actually at home in my own bed and even after that I will still have dreams about there bowel movements I don't know if its because cleaning them up constantly stresses me out or what but I have not been getting any sleep at all

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