Sex with pole
I saw an old man with long white hair and a long white beard in the clouds of the sky ,at 1st I thought he was a prophet/deciple but then felt he was a wizard he had a mischevious look in his eyes and was looking down at me ,below his cloud was a small brook and a little trinkeling waterfall he guesterd at the brook and then moistened with his hand for me to go into this water ,I said I cannot get up there ,I dont fly ,and he stepped away I waited to see if he returned which he did and had 2 more men with him hhe and 1 of the men ,each held a bucket the other had a scroll and an inkpen,the man tipped his bucket and poured water into the brook and it suddenly turned into a ocean of water and the waterfall became a large rushing waterfall that spilled into the ocean,it was at this point I heard a couple of people gasp and a little kids voice say look we are standing in water ,whered it come from,i looked down at my feet and the water was past my ankles.i looked back up and was pointing upward so the people would see what was up there then the 2nd man with the pail tipped his bucket and also poured it into the ocean which rose even higher and the waves were huge the current was flowing as if a a wild blowing wind of a storm was causing it to become a raging one ,I waved both my arms up to the men and Hollard stop ,god promised no moreflooding the earth the man laughed and said something to the other two men ,the man with the scroll and pen wrote something and as soon as he lifted the scroll up and out the words leaped into the sky and spelled swim ,I shook my head no and said I dont know how to swim the man shrugged his shoulders and tipped his bucket and poured it out again and now the water was up past my waist ,the little kid grabbed ahold of me with a terrified look on his face he went under the water ,as it was up higher than he stood ,I pulled on him and and upward and he came up to the surface ,I quickly pulled him to me and he got up onto my shoulders I heard someone scream stop what are you doing up there ,this isnt funny ,and who are you the man just pointed at us laughing the mann with the scroll wrote again and it said learn to swim ,pray for mercey,or drowned its your choice I was now panicing and out of the corner of my eye ,behind me stood a large tall hill and the mand tipped his bucket to pour out into the water ,I began running up the hill with the boy on my shoulders ,when I got to the top and looked up the ocean became a gigantic waterfall pouring down onto the earth and where we had stood down there,was an ocean raging as id seen it doing in the sky again I screamed stop ,in gods name I demand you to get behind thee ,now and wait for him to judge you but there was only the man with the scroll standing up there then I saw the other 2 men return carrying fishing poles when one of them handed him a pole he dropped the scroll and as it decended downward a lighting bolt flashed and it caught on fire the 3 men casted their lines down into the raging water and it continued to rise ,and I woke up
Tindreamt ofnmany tadpoles in a fishbowl very crowded together . And one tadpole I tried to put in the bowl but would not stay and kept trying to get away from me. I found the tadpole in some grass and it wanted to go to the river.
I was walking through a field of rose petals and saw a white horse, black horse, and brown horse with eyethere masks on and their back legs tied up to a pole with ribbons walking on their front holes through rose petals
I was at a family gathering when i noticed something off, suddenly my dad and i move to this one room wooden shack and i was happy. At that place i met for people three girls, one boy. One of the girls became my best friend and was very nice. The boy who had no face never really talked to me but somehow i knew he was an asian boy, nighttime arrived and i still felt strange , i followed some guys and found that they were hiding a long pole tgat said 12v all around and so i took it, but the faceless asian boy caught me and we both went to hide this pole at a b3ach in the sand . We went back to my house where i found out my dad lied to me , the house had two stories. The boy was outside and my best friend, shr found pics that i took of them ever since i arrived. I left the house and went to the beach, took the pole and started to walk around all randomly, in the end the asian boy found me and confessed he likes me and hugged me, then he told me my knees where in between his leg and we laughed it off
Humping a pole
I dreamt that I was lifeguarding a beach. And snoop dog came so everyone was standing in line trying to get an auto graph. I looked down at the beach area and I saw sharks in the water. The water was crystal clear @ it looked cool so I informed adults but told them it was cool just to go see. As I was watching the water I also saw huge stingrays and they were just swimming around the bridge that went around the middle of the beach. I started to walk father down into the sand but I didn’t get to close because the water kept coming up and going down quickly. I walked to the under part of the bridge and it kinda of turned into a cave a little and I could see only mist between the poles of the bridge and in it I could se the silhouettes of the stingrays and of men running around playing. Then I saw hippos! I was yelling at everyone to look but then something crashed into the bridge and crushed it in the middle o the water. Everyone began to run back to the top before it came down where we were at. I got stuck crawling between two poles for a couples of minutes until I finally pushed my way out.
The next dream I am with my boyfriend and we are on a bridge that sticks out straight. I told him I didn’t want to be on it because of a dream I had had. So we’re standing on it and he decides to smoke but this guys who didn’t have stuff to smoke out of cans to us and asked me to tie a bag around his arms so he could have someone shoot drugs into his arm. I told him I wasn’t going to do it & also that won’t work. So my boyfriend turns into just some guy & this guy is a triplet. These brothers are at the edge of the water where there are a lot of rocks and the ocean is just about waist deep. I’m still scared of the water but I decide to bend down for a rock and someone pushes me in. I turn around and it’s a little boy. I crawl out and I ask this boy why he did that and as I look closely I realize that the devil has possessed his body. The devil tries to tell me that God will lose & so I told him that’s what he thinks but God has actually won. Then I began to recite John 3:16 and he covers his ears so I just began to scream scripture at him him and he continues yelling then I woke up.
Walking home I'm rain on lunch hour, on way returning to work see a little girl all wet from rain, leaning against telephone pole I ask her where her mother is and she says her mom is not home. I take her hand and walk with her to a near by hotel/store. I ask a few women if they know the little girl and they say yes. I say to them let the mother know I have her little girl. We begin walking toward my job and see the bridge is washed out.
It was a nice sunny day, I was with my family, my friend and her mom. We were driving to lunch after church, but for some reason, we ended up at the huge stadium. There was a guy talking through a microphone and some people were singing in the background. My family and I sat down in some seats that were lower to the ground. My friend and her mom sat next to us. I looked up and saw people sitting on these bleachers that were almost 100 feet high. The bleacher was practically balancing on this 5 foot wide pole. It looked kind of creepy to be honest, but I wasn't sitting up there so I didn't worry about it that much. Suddenly my friend's mom poked me in the shoulder and whispered something in my ear. (This is when my dream gets random.) "Look up there." she whispered and pointed up on the high bleacher I mentioned earlier. (First of all, I am an Invader Zim fan right now.) I looked up and saw Zim and Gir (Gir was in his disguise) sitting on the far right of the bleacher, Dib sitting next to his father (Professor Membrane) (Sitting in the middle seats) and Gaz sitting a few seats away from them, playing her video games. My friend's mom told me to go up and meet them. I was so hyped, but I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself, so I casually walked over to the pole, and climbed these stairs leading to the bleachers. When I reached to the top, I dashed over to Zim and Gir. Zim was confused that this random girl (me) came over to meet him. Gir, on the other hand was so excited to meet someone new. Gir was getting all hyperactive and hopping around. My friend's mom followed me up, (but I didn't notice) and she said that me and Gir should get a picture taken together. I was all for it and Gir was clapping his hands excitedly. He went on my shoulder and we both smiled. She grabbed her phone and took the picture. After she left, I went over to Dib, Gaz, and their father. Was sitting down, bored out of his mind, Gaz was play her games, and Professor Membrane was listening to the guy speak. The same thing happened like before; I meet them and got a picture taken. After that, the guy concluded this meeting thing and dismissed everyone. I went down to my family and we all went home. (I know, that was super weird.)
I was hanging out with Johnathan at the football field again like I did last night, and he and I were getting closer than we’ve been and started talking and Landon and I had gone together because he and I were apparently really close and he left to do something. He finally showed up again and we were just hanging out with him and later he drags me away and pushes me under the bleachers and left me there and im yelling “Landon, you cant leave me here!” And he yelled back “you’ll be fine!” So I yell back to him “you know I can just leave, right?!” And he yells back to me “you’re not allowed to leave yet!” And he walks away. He comes back a few minutes later dragging Johnathan who’s asking where I went and Landon pushes him under the bleachers with me and leaves us. And Johnathan yells at him “Landon, you cant just leave us here!” And Landon yells back “Yeah I can!” And I yell at him “Landon, you cant leave me here!” And he yells back “Yeah I can! You came here with me so yeah I can!” And I just stop and stare at him and turn to Johnathan and look at him to see his reaction. And Landon stops and turns around and yells “Yall cant leave yet so yall stay under there until yall figure out how to settle the tension between the both of yall!” And he leaves us there and Johnathan just stares after him and I look up at Johnathan and he turns to me and stared at me for a minute before he asked “What was that about?” And I shook my head and didnt say anything and walked over to one of the poles holding the bleachers up and leaned against it. He turned to watch where I was going and followed me and stood in front of me. I asked him “You got your vape?” And he nodded and pulled it out. “Can I…” I started before he interrupted me. “You shouldnt but I’ll let you.” He said and he handed me the vape. We just started talking while we vaped and after a few minutes I got tired of vaping and looked at him and asked “Johnathan do you like anyone?” And he just stared at me and stated laughing slightly but said “Uh yeah. I like someone.” So I asked him “Who?” And he said “Cant say.” And I just looked at him and said “Why not?” And he said “Because I cant tell you.” And I asked “Why cant you tell me? It’s not like I can say anything or tell anyone. Why would I? Do you not trust me?” And he looked at me and said “Katie, it’s not that I dont trust you or think you’ll tell anyone, it’s that I’m honestly scared of what you’ll think and say.” I just look up at him and look into his eyes and reach out my hand and touch his shoulder and say “Johnathan, whatever it is, whoever it is, I wont say anything bad about them.” And he looks down at me and walks closer to me and I back up a little and he says “Fine. You wanna know who it is?” And I nod and he says “It’s you, Katie. I like you.” And I stare at him in shock and after a minute I say “Johnathan, why? Why do you like me? Im not pretty, confident, popular, or anything. Im below average height for a fourteen year old. Im underweight for an average fourteen year old. And nobody really likes me….” I start before he interrupts me and says “I do, Katie! I like you! I don’t care that you’re not popular or confident or that you’re below average height or underweight for an average fourteen year old! You’re beautiful Katie! And I like you! Ok?! I like you!” And I just stared at him because with each word he stepped closer to me and I stepped back. I looked at him and said “Johnathan, im not beautiful. Im not. Nobody thinks i am anyway.” He slid his arms around my waist and held me close to him and looked at me and said “You are beautiful, Katie. You are absolutely beautiful. I think you’re beautiful. Whoever doesn’t think you are is just jealous.” And he looked at me and stared into my eyes and leaned down to whisper in my ear and whispered “I really like you Katie.” And I just shook my head and said “Johnathan, no you dont. You think you do but you dont. Nobody likes me. Nobody should like me anyway. Especially you. I just end up hurting the people I love and care about. You dont….” I started but he interrupted me by pushing me against the pole we were leaning against earlier and towering over me and said “I do. I. Like. You. Katie. I like you.” And as he said this his eyes kept flickering from my eyes to my lips and I nodded when I got what he was silently asking. He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine softly and then I pressed my lips against his more firmly and he slid his arms around my waist and gripped my hips and I slid my arms around neck and leaned up and he pushed me against the pole more to keep me from falling. When we pulled away for air, we were both panting and he looked down at me and into my eyes and I looked up at him and into his eyes and he said “Katie, I do like you. So please stop saying I dont and that nobody likes you because I like you and you are beautiful. And I want to ask, will you be my girlfriend ?” And I just stare him and nod because im at a loss for words after the kiss. We then hear someone clear their throat and look over and see Landon standing there with an amused but unhappy look. He looks at us and says “That’s not exactly what I had in mind when I said figure out what to do about the tension between yall but it works.” And I blush and hide my face in Johnathan’s chest and he laughs and so does Landon. Johnathan looked down at me and smiled and Landon looked us and looked at Johnathan and said “Yall are cute together but if you hurt her it wont end well!” And Johnathan looked up at him and nodded. Landon walked up to us and hugged me and said he’d be back later and that Johnathan and I could leave from under the bleachers now.