I dreamt of being in a boat with a guy and a few other people. The water was clear and calm, he seemed nervous around me, put his arm behind me and I looked at him in the corner of my eye. In the next second he was sitting near someone else and refused to look at me, I rolled my eyes and focused on the water again November 25, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream started within my room. I was looking under my bed the bottom right corner. The matrase was lifted upwards to which i investigated. The matress was light and it revealed an item that i had lost for around a week. A nintendo 3ds which holds a lot of significance to me. The 3DS was sitting there upon the bed frame completely unharmed and i went to go grab it. Upon having it in my hands a video of sorts was playing. It showed somebody walking up to another person and during that time i took out a game cartridge and placed in a open draw beside my bed. It was playing some music that i vividly recognized and then when i heard my moms voice. After that i got up with the 3DS in my hands and went to her. And thats where the dream ends November 17, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
Running panicked and telling to someone that i know i was love but i feel like everyone hates me and telling that i’m in love with one girl at that moment i finde myself in weird ciry sitting in a hole hearing scary music and feeling anxious and nervous and smelling cigarettes but i know that in my dream i’m just there with someone i can’t see and one car but in the city i can see big buildings that are in fire and the sky is red but no one is there just me and someone voices and only one car October 06, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sitting with A (my classmate who was my friend years ago but transfered and now we don't talk anymore. He seems a bit similar by facial features to me I guess, I'm not sure). The guy I like S was sitting in the same row as me but right at the back. I suddenly got up and went outside. It was independence day and I picked up some flags from outside, however when I came inside they became tissues. And I distributed it among everyone. When I went to S I was a little nervous and thinking the he's similar to my friend W I got sad but anyways he asked me to give me tissues for his friends N as well (he's close with him). In this whole scene, it was white or off-white. Scene changed and we went to a room to get pictures. However, before that A asked me to wear a saari next day and I remembered it's farewell, but I didn't like it. Here the scene was silver or light grey. Next we went to a dark room to click pictures. I saw S as I was sitting but chose not to sit next to him. My mum was there and she gave me my phone which she is not allowed to and she got scolded by a sir due to it. Next due to something S and a guy in between X who in my dream was my friend whereas in reality X is not someone I know. Anyways S told X that I get good marks in English due to my mum being a teacher in the same school. X asked me and I cleared everything out and was kinda angry at S. S gave a sarcastic smile but in my dream I felt he was jealous cause A asked me out for farewell indirectly. Herethescenewasdark incolour. Whatcouldthisdream possiblyindicate ? October 03, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
Group of women sitting and I was telling them I had dream of goddess telling me about sumagali November 11, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream, I was driving a car and the driver tried to take a narrow path, and the car overturned into a drain on the side of the seat where I was sitting. After a while, someone saved us. October 28, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream where i had been for a walk and then ladies of similar faces were sitting on a chair and lifting one of their leg and told Asalamualaikum' in your dream.. October 02, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis