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I saw Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in dream

I saw Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in dream there was light on his face he arranged money for me to go to Saudi Arabia and when my aunt grab money from me Prophet Muhammad PBUH said you are like that and than she give Prophet Muhammad S.A.W a push and I said Allah Allah Allah there was a crack on the roof top and thunder rumbled

I was on a field trip in

I was on a field trip in a car in the mountains with my family, (my mom, dad, and I) and we took a turn and climbed towards the summit of the mountains and suddenly there was snow. We stop, admiring the view. Suddenly I see my mom's side of the family there too. I keep walking across my family on the lines of the summit. As I walk, the snow on the peak starts to slide near my feet. The snow slide increased and my mom, my aunt, and I started running. Suddenly there is a tiger behind us chasing. We 3 hold hands, take a leap, and take a big jump from the mountaintop to the street we can see under us. As we landed on the street, we saw a shop with a big mirror wall and a mirror door. To escape the tiger, we tried to get into the shop and my mom shut the door. But the tiger slammed into it behind us. They started pushing the door and the tiger was much stronger than my mom so I pushed her aside and started closing the door against the tiger's force. The tiger was much stronger so I happened to be right in front of its face. He growled at me. I was not afraid and I did not faze although I was worried about my aunt and my mom. So I tried to growl louder than him so that it scared him. As I growled, I growled in bed too and that woke me up.

Hi, i had a dream where i

Hi, i had a dream where i was in a hospital inside a ward for handicapped people. Then i saw myself using the toilet and there were people watching me, after i was done as i was washing my hands two security guards were standing next to me

Dream walking up stairs with slippery tiles

Dream walking up stairs with slippery tiles where I struggled to finish the stairs then I taught of taking off my shoes to try going up the stairs. While almost fini the stairs I met 2 babies crawling downstairs one after the other. I felt bad seeing them crawling downstairs and immediately I asked some ladies who were sitted on the upfloor why they endanger the babies like this. Before finish asking them, one of the babies who was following from back missed one stairs and fall on head. I rushed to help the baby and see if it was alive since I feared it dead. Fortunately the baby was OK . I the saw myself taking the baby and gave it to the lady responsible and I saw the lady throwing the baby to another lady who was near the stairs like she don't care about the baby.

I saw a dream about my ex

I saw a dream about my ex we just broke up. The dream started me getting phone call while I was sitting at my family's wedding event with my best friend. I picked up the phone and I went were he told me to come. When I reached my destination of my childhood and I asked him why he is in this part of my life. And as we kept walking I saw my parents house were he and I were alone. He said he could have taken my virginity there if had not loved me. We kept walking and we saw a church. We got in and he was posted by evil spirit that manifested itself in the church. He didn't want rhe demon to go out and the evil sprit said it was one that gave the charisma to be loved. He also agreed that he wants to keep the demon. While his demon was talking I see my parents came and got confused and disappointed and left to go to the family wedding. My ex after a while told me he wants to leave the church and when we left we went out in a new strange neighborhood and it looked chaotic and scary I kept calling his name I couldn't find him and I found myself alone and I woke up

The dream started from daggers raining from

The dream started from daggers raining from the sky and I was standing without any shelter but before any dagger could hit me an old man grabbed me from back and pulled me into a shelter standing over pillars and he said to me that these are dajjali daggers and after a while the rain stopped so I moved out of shelter and saw a crowd of dwarfs-not even reaching my knees- running towards me and shouting dajjal is coming run but instead of running I move towards the direction from which dajjal was coming and on my way I start to put my hand between the crowd and collect arrows-black coloured- and make a very big round of them until I reach dajjal and fight him and then I wake up.