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I want serve my national and want

I want serve my national and want great recognition from my job.so i am giong for civil service especially to become diplomate.

I gave birth to a baby boy

I gave birth to a baby boy all alone no one was there to help me. Towards the end I called for help and my dad helped me deliver him. The baby was especially beautiful and intelligent. He was able to speak at a few months old, he would repeat any words we say. He was a happy baby and I felt really happy and lucky to have him.

I dreamed that there were about four

I dreamed that there were about four puppies in the closet and at first I hid them and them I let them out to run and play in the yard. I especially like a little white one. then we all went into a garden.

I dreamed that my friend skinned a

I dreamed that my friend skinned a live lion, brushed his backside with butter and bbq'd him in my kitchen cupboard. she wanted me to taste it because lion was delicious. i was so upset with her and when tried to set the lion free, he was completely charred, especially his ears and i didnt want him to suffer. then i woke up.

I dreamed I was back at the

I dreamed I was back at the Center with lots of people I knew. Carlye had her baby and had lost lots of weight. I was amazed at how skinny she was and then laughed at the irony of her being so skinny here. I saw Andie as well though only for moment, and Christine was nowhere to be found. I dreamed I then refused to eat and got tubed, but fought back and pulled it out several times. Carlye was then pregnant again and was doing last call but the half wasn’t up. Liv was also with, however simply visiting. I was so embarrassed to be back yet relieved and feeling safe. But everyone had been giving me crap for the tube, especially Amber. I didn’t deserve this, she said, I deserved to be living my life.

I was in school with my classmates

I was in school with my classmates during high school. Before that, i was with some of my friends and we were going to our classroom. We saw one of our teachers and she gave us a sermon. While she was giving us a sermon, I sneaked away and went to the swimming pool. My classmates were there at the swimming pool and I began to swim to the pool. I made a few rounds of front crawl style because I loved to exercise especially swimming. While I was taking a break, I was standing at the pool and met my long time friend, Luigi. We were listening to the debates of my friends and teacher through the PA system. I didn't understood a word. After that, me and my old classmates went out of the swimming pool 20 minutes before our classes resume. Adfred, a former classmate of mine, said that we should go to this shortcut called the "swamp" and I agreed. We were in a group when we went to the "swamp". Flies started to swarm around us and I tried to shoo them away. I didn't really mind it at first but the number of flies multiplied as we went nearer to our classroom and it annoyed me. That is my dream.

The zombie apocalypse has happened overnight, i

The zombie apocalypse has happened overnight, i have myy boyfriend and father with me. i'm smart enough to have both a gun (9mm to be exact) and a bow knife. my dad's friend/employer (exists in the waking world) brought him an assault rifle, dad was nervous about having it. i don't have much else in my pack. we take shelter in my dad's appartment (doesn't actually exist in the waking world) but my boyfriend and i were so curious we went out to do some exploring. it being so early in the apocalypse, there weren't many of the undead, just enough to worry me. we didn't pick up any supplies and almost got attacked but someone else became zombie bait. we stop on a farm and watch a small herd of zombies get napalmed via the government. we trekked back to my dad's appartment which was worse than when we'd left. i did some nervous walking around in the building and stumbled upon a large room of survivors amongst them my aunt and cousin. i was crying with joy when i realized i didn't have either of my weapons on me. i went upstairs and checked my bag but no luck there either. night is falling and i fear how i'm going to protect my family, i'm acutely aware of how vulnerable we are, especially with the group of survivors downstairs. then i wake up with the residue of bad dream on my tongue.

I dreamt that i lost my handbag

I dreamt that i lost my handbag i also dreamt of a cat and black rat coming at me especially the rat and i kept pushing it away